Hey guys,
I’m very inexperienced in Forza, don’t have experince on other simulators and in real life I’m just a Sunday or supermarket driver, so I’m asking your help to try to understand some things.
I have a Tx and played a decent amout of time FH2 with it, without any assist and with simulation steering.
With FM6 the game changes completely: I’m always oversteering, loosing control of the car and I almost never able to countersteer or correct a beggining of a slide. I can only complete a lap without spinning out, starting in A class, if I’m really very conservative, but this way I’m not competitive at all and it feels like my real world driving experience against Senna!
I’m playing with simulation steering and with the default settings, so with 540 DOR for most of the cars.
Do you guys, who have a TX, race with the same settings and aren’t you also having issues with oversteering?
What can you advise me to get better in this game that I love?
I’ve noticed that if I change simulation steering to normal steering, it helps a bit, but I don’t know if I should do it. Can you address these doubts please:
If I use normal steering rather than simulation with a TX, what am I losing aside the 2% extra credits?
Is a wheel player who masters simulation steering faster than a wheel player who’s the same level but uses normal steering? Isn’t steering the only assist which doesn’t become you faster after mastered?
I’ve read people saying that simulation steering is for wheels and normal for controllers, but then other people saying the opposite. Can you confirm if there is a more suitable steering mode depending on the the input?
Thank you, sorry for the long text and looking forward to read your feedback!