Controller deadzones

Hi all, 1st off thanks turn 10 for releasing a demo on xbox one that actually makes me want to buy the game.

Are people changing controler deadzones and ifso what to, i have changed everything to 0 and 100 but i wanted to know if people are doing any different?
Thanks in advance

Id also like to know what settings people are using especially for steering. I used simulation steering first off (with a controller) and found it oversensitive to be honest, that said normal steering seems a bit leaden so Im looking for a happy medium.

Ive heard it said that you should only really be using the simulation setting with a wheel, is that the case? Im pretty sure I used it in FM4 but didnt play FM5

Use simulation steering with a wheel.
Use normal steering for a controller.

I use 0-100 on everything except clutch.

Yeah simulation is meant for a wheel.

When you move the stick, Normal steering will gradually move the in-game steering wheel to the degree you move the stick, so it basically smooths over any jumps caused by having a very small radius on the stick.

With simulation steering, the in-game wheel turns exactly where you move the stick to, so if you push the stick even a millimeter too far, the wheel will shoot over to that spot, which is usually much less fluid with a controller.


This game has really tempted me to get a wheel but I’ve heard they are generally slower than controller. Mind you ill never be anywhere near top anyway.