I saw a post about this a while ago, but I noticed now it still hasn’t been addressed so I figured I’d bring the topic back up.
There is a limit to how many files of a certain type you can have. As more DLC cars come out and more tunes are being experimented with, I found that it’s quite easy to hit this cap.
Is there any trick to get around this or is everyone who’s pushed against the cap basically toast until an update comes out to change this?
I deleted as many tunes as I could find that I did not need. I also unshared any tunes that proved unpopular and just kept those settings on a car.
Now I generally tune cars but do not save them as files.
It is a pain because I tuned 3 Caterhams in A class for different tracks and at the time when I did it I memporised (wow there’s a new word lol) which paint job was for which track but now I forget lol.
I have about 5 spare slots that I use for rivals events or if I get tuning requests but in the main I no longer save tuning setups but just tune a car and if I want multiple tunes then I buy multiple copies of the car.
I know its not a fix, but you could buy the same car multiple times and tune it how you want without saving it lol. with how easy it is to earn money, that could be a possibility, although its not a very good option. I have not hit that cap yet, and I don’t know if there is a cap as to how many cars you can have either. Just throwing my bad idea out there.
the cap is only for saved tunes. the work around is you just apply the tune rather than saving it, then it dosn’t count as a save file. the down side is you have to redownload a tune every time you want to change it if you want it set up for a different track or class. and yes that means you have to use other peoples tunes since you would have to save your own tunes to upload them. but if you use the car exclusivly in one class and track type then just leave the same tune loaded on it forever and just change cars when you change tracks or class rather than changing the tune.
or you could buy multiple of the same car just put a custom paint on it color coded so you can tell them apart and use a two tone paint style. just make the roof color coded to the class and the body of the car color coded to the track. so all your d class cars would have the same color roof, and all cars tuned for lemans would have the same color body regardless of class. you could even go 3 tone and make the rocker pannels or a pin stripe for a rating on how good the car is so if you have two different makes painted the same you’ll know from the 3rd color which to choose for online. or maybe have colored decals ratheer than stipes where the colors will still be rated from worst to best and the shape of the decal could indicate if the tune is for multiplayer, hotlapping, drifting, or dragging. or put the rating as a car number on the door for the 1-10 scale and make the color of the number be the race type.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I was thinking of the multiple car thing. The only problem is that I share almost all of my tunes so that others can use them so if I do it that way I wont be able to which sucks but there’s nothing else any of us can do about it for now.
Another option for you (and nothing wrong if you do not want to go down this path) is if you wanted to open source some of your tunes and share the rest.
Or advertise 10 of your currently shared tunes stating that in a weeks time they will be removed from share so you can delete them and save and share some more.
I’ve been thinking of doing a few open source tunes, I’m just so lazy about typing all the stuff out :p. good plan though, I think I’ll go through my tunes that I don’t think are being used much and take them down.
Hopefully T10 does something about this in the near future, I think it’s limiting the community and their access to certain things.
typing everything out? just do it as a video or set of screen caps. video would be easier tho, just use “xbox record that” after you have went from left to right for the parts then left to right again in all the tuneing screens. thats who the most popular list of cars for forza 5 is done. after you check the video just upload it. its way faster than typing everything.
Well, there’s always spreadsheets and notebooks. Screencaps and videos may be quicker to execute but they’re no less unwieldy to use. Quickest way is to create a proforma into which you can punch settings. Works well when you’re open sourcing as well.