Trouble creating custom controller profile for XBox 360 Wheel on PC

Hey guys!

I have the XBox 360 wheel that I’m trying to use for Forza 7, with no luck. I press all the buttons without it triggering anything on the “assign button” prompt, except the D-Pad. I assumed this was an issue with either the wheel itself or Windows 10 support for it, however upon checking my controllers in Windows 10 setting it sure enough shows XBox 360 wheel, and when running the “properties” all the buttons work as well as the axis. If this is the case there’s really no reason Forza 7 can’t use it as a controller, which is very frustrating. It’s my understanding that Forza 7 came with full support for a lot of different wheels (excluding this one), but honestly there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to program the controls to fit this one when Windows is easily picking up all of my ranging axis and button pushes. Perhaps this is a bug, perhaps it’s just a feature that’s not supported, but either way any insight would be appreciated!