thrustmaster tx 458 ferrari italia

I took my thrustmaster wheel back to fry’s today after giving up on settings and lo and behold they had a Logitech g920 on the shelf and I grabbed it and paid for it with no problems. Brought it home and tried it with Forza 6 and lo and behold a world of difference. No massive over steer and if you do slide it is very easy to correct, almost arcade. The problem is with thrustmaster.

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Nice, been waiting on a post like this!!! None of the stores around me have it yet and online says it won’t be available till mid October :frowning:

I very much love my Logitech G27 and have countless hours of PC racing on it, so I can hardly wait to get my hands on a G920 and compare it to my TX!

Interesting to know. I am deciding between these two wheels at the moment. The Logitech is cheaper here in Aus but limited. No swapable wheel, pedals and a basic H pattern shifter whereas the TX has the H pattern and sequential shifting options as well as swappable wheels., pedals ect. Is this a common problem with the TX. There seems to be a lot of people praising the TX and how it works with Forza.

I was getting the over steer on my G920 to start with but I’ve got it figured out now - it just took some practice. FFB is great on it - plenty of info coming back from the tires.

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That is the real mystery, is it the user, is it the game settings or is it the hardware!!?? Here is my two cents for what it is worth, just know that I’m a long time PC Arcade/Sim racer and have extensive playing knowledge on PS3, Xbox 360 & Xbox One and 100% detest playing any racing game with a gamepad controller, when reading other people’s opinions I always find myself wondering what other games or hardware do they have to reference for their use of current products so here is mine.

My PC Racing Setup
Logitech G27 w/Playseat
Racing games with extensive hours played; Grand Prix Legends, Grid 1,2 & 3, Test Drive Unlimited 1 & 2, iRacing, Flatout 1,2 & 3, Project Cars & Atteso Corsa.

My Xbox 360 & PS3 Racing Setup
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel US w/Club Sport Pedals v1 US & Playseat.
Racing games with extensive hours played; Forza 3 & 4, Forza Horizon, Gran Turismo 5 & 6.

My Xbox One Racing setup;
Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition, Thrustmaster VG TH8A Add-On Gearbox Shifter for PC, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One, Thrustmaster T3PA 3-Pedal Wide Pedal Set Add-On all mounted to a Playseat.
Racing games with extensive hours played; Forza 5 & 6, Forza Horizon 2, The Crew & Project Cars.

The Thrustmaster TX is a good solid wheel, the stock pedals are functional but are pretty cheaply made and I was very unhappy with them very quickly, do yourself a favor if you buy a TX wheel spend an extra $100 and get the T3PA 3-Pedal Wide Pedal Set Add-On. The goods news the wheel has worked fine with any PC racing game I have played, know it’s a bit of a heavier steering sensation then that of a Logitech G27.

I specifically bought an Xbox one to play Forza 5, when it first came out I couldn’t get a steering wheel so I had to play with a gamepad controller, I was really rubbish but with all the assists on I had a blast!!! When I got my first Thrustmaster TX wheel I had a nightmare of time will all sorts of issues, however they have long since fixed those issues with properly documented FAQ’s of Xbox 1 USB port resetting, Gamepad controller confliction, DOR & Sensitivity settings and new firmware version 49. So this is why you will see polarizing comments of the TX wheel being bad or good, it was the first wheel for the Xbox One but it certainly went through some issues!

Using the TX wheel on Forza 5 while trying to set competitive lap times broke my spirit to play the game, don’t get me wrong it does work but much like I’m finding in Forza 6 compared to other games it just doesn’t feel right! You can minimize this doesn’t feel right thing by messing with the sensitivity, degree of rotation (DOR), deadzones and find a tune for the car that dials in a bit more grip but honestly at the end of the day there is just something wrong here! I have no idea if it is Thrustmaster or Turn 10’s coding or maybe it’s both but it is broken and here is my proof, if you use the in-car view where you can see the steering wheel in game and DOR of the wheel hardware and game software are set EXACTLY the same, as you move your TX wheel left and right the movement in the game should mimic the wheel in your hands perfectly the SAME (1 to 1)!!!

You can see this exact same problem in two PC racing games that I know of, Grid 2 & Test Drive Unlimited 2, with a Logitech G27 wheel. Have no proof but my gut feeling is those were designed for gamepads as well and the formula input interpretation code doesn’t work for those games either.

Please understand that my grief is sort of self-inflicted because I’m trying to be competitive with myself and other real players in trying to get competitive lap times, trust me I’m not trying to be number one in the world or anything…lol but I know how to drive a clean lap to best of my abilities with assists off! So if you’re just looking to play a racing game and beat the AI with a steering wheel, the TX wheel will be just fine for you, leave most of the assists on and you won’t have problems and racing fun will be had!!

I race with a tx 458 Italia wheel and Forza is the only game I struggle on with assists off.

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Cheers for the info tylanol08. It sounds as if we play for similar reasons. Im here to go fast. Yes fun is important but I find it fun climbing the leaderboard and if the TX will inhibit that I might need to go for the Logitech. oG33MANo why do you think that is? Whats your thoughs on the TX?