They changed the title ''Spring'' 2023 to 2023

Problem for turn 10 here is that horizon dwarfs the popularity of motorsport at this point. While turn 10 does work on parts of horizon, playground games has learned enough that turn 10 may not be as integral as they may have been in the past. Imo this new game is a make or break for turn 10, if this game fails they fail.

Racing games have often been used to showcase a consoles abilities which is why they usually have an in-house studio to do it. Unfortunately for turn 10 they normally just have one. Between xbox and xbox 360 they funded bizarre creations and created turn 10. Bizarre creations made the project gotham series which was a successful franchise but sadly they were dropped. Ps4 had driveclub but they also went the way of the dodo when push came to shove with polyphony.

Sadly for turn 10 they have not had a great game since forza 4. I say that not even in the context of sales but how people speak of them. No one talks about 5-7 no where near as highly as 2-4, the last 3 games will never be remembered. Turn 10 finds themselves in the number 2 slot when it comes to MS racing titles, its not a good place to be.

I honestly don’t think the new motorsport game is going to bring turn 10 back to the top of that list. Gt7 has its problems but it is a solid racing game that has a focus on the things that many racing game players want where as turn 10 has done nothing to advance the genre in any meaningful way. No ones impressed by 4k 60fps when gt7 just got a 120fps patch, and i dont think ray tracing especially the type we’re getting is going to impress when gt7 has vr.

Im sorry to say it it but i agree with the poster above somewhere this franchise is pretty much dead. They missed the console launch window, they then missed the whole covid period when online racing had quite a boom and now they failed to bring anything to the table when their main competitor released and has only seen continued support including something forza will never have in vr.

The pr for this game is atrocious They have some trailers that talk about graphics which no one cares about, less cars and my personel biggest issue less tracks than its predecessor while simultaneously showing reused car models, old forza wing and some new cars that will not be included at release. Literally theyve shown the exact opposite of what players nevermind actual fans want. Turn 10 is pulling a 343 studios and running their franchise in to the ground. I feel Forza Motorsport even with game pass is going to fade into obscurity and they only have themselves to blame.


FM6? It didn’t have the car list of FM4, but it was the first game to introduce the MP4/4 (just to name one). Also Forza 5-7’s track modeling is way more realistic than FM2-4.
FM7 is the only title I’d argue would be forgotten, but only because they introduced a new sound design method that took away from the experience. Plenty of enthusiast cars in that game though.

I think if T-10 just get the physics right like they did with FM5 and 6 and stop watering it down for casuals, and fix the sound then we’ll have the best console game of the generation. FM4 has a great car list and great audio, but the game isn’t perfect. If it was then T-10 would have stopped there and just updated the car list. FM5 with it’s formula style cars and new physics, and FM6 are great games; FM6 being peak Xbox one Forza (experience wise). Add the online features of FM7 and you have a great game. They have all the elements to make a FM4 beating game, they just need to put it together.

FM4’s physics aren’t as good as 5 and 6, I remember having trouble transitioning from 4 to 5. Experience wise 6 is up there with 4 especially the Porsches. I can see the negatives though, the cut car list, track list and what not, but Idk man FM6 was such a good game, if it just had some cars and tracks from FM4 it’d be perfect.

Motorsport 5’s physics were…not great. Way too much understeer in cars that shouldn’t have had that kind of understeer in the first place made the racing too much of a slog. Motorsport 6 nailed it on physics, frankly. In fact, as you said yourself, Motorsport 6 was the best of the XBox One era running away. Very solid car mix, very enjoyable physics, I will forever adore the soundtrack, the AI was fun to race against (after a very early tweak from launch), great tracks, so on and so forth. Honestly, the only bad memory I have of Motorsport 6 was a really absurd community challenge to get an Aston Martin V8 Vantage that I’m pretty sure messed my hand up for quite a few months afterward. On a total package basis, I’d probably rank 6 over 4, although 4 is a very close second in my book.


The infamous Rolls Royce Brands Hatch challenge. Brings back horrible memories.

I hated that challenge so much. And it was worse because there was never a legitimate shot to get the car after that. Certainly nothing that could be done in-game. It was just a really scummy, crappy deal all around, and challenges like that are part of the reason why I’m so anti-content gating.

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Yeah, I can understand the top 25%, or anyone who can get a fast clean lap in, but not only did you have to be clean, you had to have perfect technique too. Technique that Forza doesn’t teach like using the whole track, marking your breaking and turn in points etc. It’s like you had to be a pro to unlock that car, and certain cars in FM7. A very small percentage of the community.

You had to have perfect technique in that car. That was the kicker. And that car was utterly hateful to drive. That car drove so bad that it screwed me up in other cars for about a month afterward.

But the worst part was, I put in a herculean effort to get myself more than three-quarters of a second to the good on a lap…and then their ringer goes out on the last possible day and puts up a time more than a second beyond that. Just a real slimeball move that infuriated a lot of people.


I dont think forza 5-7 were bad games and compared to 5, 6 put them back on track when it came to content but i said those games are not talked about as highly as pre 5 and likely wont be remembered.

I think 5 and 7 suffered from being console launch games, with 6 it actually felt like they tried to make a good game where as the other two they were good enough.

This is why im highly pessimistic about the new game, while it isnt releasing in the console launch window, its the first motorsport on the series consoles and from what they’ve shown ive already seen the cutbacks in content so they can try to showcase whatever graphical advances they seem to think people care about.

Every game looks good now from both consoles and most gaming pc’s. Its not really a selling point anymore and realistically with this game launching on game pass the game really isnt going to sell. Engagement is what they need and ray traced reflections that make the paint look like mirrors isnt going to keep people around, gameplay and content will and they dont seem to have any of that to show.

I think its highly likely they cant get ray tracing to work at a steady 60 on the series s without dropping resolution drastically. Its an unnecessary addition other than to try and get a pat on the back from papa Microsoft. No other racing game has it, and theres a reason, its because its worthless.

And this then leads to how advanced can their physics and ai be while having to process these reflections, the answer imo is its gonna feel a lot like every other forza. Built from the ground up to be the same but have less, cant wait im stoked.


What a shocker. FM won’t have an appearance on the forza monthly tomorrow. My source? Go look at the description for the monthly stream.


Good Point, but they do need to make graphical Improvements to enhance the experience compared to the previous titles. Better physics, better sound, better graphics, these all add to the experience. We’ll see if they deliver because this is supposed to be the best looking, best sounding, best feeling Forza yet. That’s what should be expected of any game transitioning to next gen only, or what’s the point of buying a next gen console? The challenge they’re dealing with is as you’ve stated: Can they fit it all into the Series X/S?


I gotta say; as much as I’m trying to maintain high hopes and fighting off my inner negatron, you’ve really nailed it here. So far it has be so obviously about flash and dash – well, we’re not actually sure about dash as of yet – and that’s it. It’s somewhat troubling indeed.

I do wonder about the “papa Microsoft” thing, though; I mean, papa wants to sell games, right? Why focus so much on something we’re so sure isn’t really of interest?

Because hubris is quite a thing.

Really, I’m skeptical of how much of a part Microsoft has played in this and other productions beyond providing the funding. Given how things currently go in the industry, I won’t be surprised in the least to find out this is an Anthem-esque situation in the making, and that Turn 10 sold them on a game they can’t deliver.


Looked at Forza Monthly April yesterday and neither that or march broadcast had a single thing about new Forza.

Nothing new since january.

I start to think next message is “Early 2024” or “Spring 2024” or similar.

Not looking good at all IMO.


They’ve decided to hide every month since Jan. after showing off forza aero in blatant view. That’s just downright disrespectful.


Anyone notice this on the community blog

While we’re focused on polishing and preparing Forza Motorsport for release later this year, we’re still keen to hear your feature and track requests, we can keep in mind what you want to see most for the future.

Track Voting is a Motorsport-specific category, and we’re seeing strong passion from racing fans globally for Interlagos, which is the #1 voted track, followed by Fujimi Kaido in the runner-up position. While we’ll be revealing the full list of our 20 locations featured in Forza Motorsport closer to release, we want to hear from you which other tracks you’d like to see later on

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I see a lot of speculation and rationalizing about Forza Motorsport’s graphics, and some of may be true. However one point that hasn’t really been made here is that despite the Motorsport franchise’s lack of popularity, (papa) Microsoft really needs a showcase for both Series X and Series S to show what they are capable of.

Series X and S are actually quite a lot more advanced with its feature set than PS5, but nothing has really proven that. As PS5’s sales also continues to increase, less developers will put in extra time to implement those features and we will see more of this attitude we’re already seeing with “Series S is underpowered and holding back 9th gen games” and “Series X isn’t more powerful than PS5 at all”. Currently, Microsoft has nothing to show that can prove people otherwise either. Halo Infinite is a broken mess, Redfall and Starfield are not technical showcases and the rest has been cross gen stuff.

TL;DR: Microsoft needs Forza Motorsport to look absolutely stunning so they can show everyone “Series X is on another level and Series S is an mega bang for the buck!”. The game itself might not even be that important in this case.


Forza Motorsport is dead. I agree with you. Forza Motorsport died on September 2021.

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That means 4 will be forgotten?

You raise a couple of good points, but I don’t think you’ve quite got it here. Microsoft does need that “killer app”, but I don’t think Forza’s it. On top of that, even they are not so blind as to see that if they drop a game that looks 10/10 and plays 5/10, they’re going to have a bad time. They especially should know that, because they’ve already been down that river with Cyberpunk 2077; beautiful game…when it worked and if you ignored the lack of depth.

The only people that are going to come back to a glorified tech demo are salesmen and people desperately trying to justify their five-figure entertainment setup. Everyone else is going to realize that they’re wasting time on a game that’s pretty, yet pretty boring or a pretty hot mess, and delete it off of their system in favor of the next thing on Game Pass or grudgingly accept they burned 70 bucks on trash and resolve never to do that again with the franchise. And heads will end up rolling anyway. It’s not enough that the game looks good and “shows off the technical capabilities of the Series X”; it has to work and be fun, too.

Thing is, there are different thresholds for different games to reach that sweet spot. Forza Horizon’s is obviously “gameplay so simple a 5 year old can excel at it”. Motorsport’s playing in a different field from that. What I and others fear is that someone, maybe multiple someones, at Turn 10 decided they were going to try for that Horizon threshold. They were going to try for it, and “Papa Microsoft” found out and were…heated.

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I’m thinking Forza Motorsport 2023 would be the final Forza Motorsport ever made, and Forza Horizon 6 might be the final Forza Horizon ever made.