I know the title is a little dramatic but honestly its how I feel when I play P class in multiplayer. I am not a slow driver but if I want to win in P class multiplayer races I have to hope that the people who are driving the Mazdas suck. That car has such an unbelievable pace that it makes the non-dlc P cars look like they should be in a lower category. Turn 10, can we please have a free P class car that is somewhat competitive with the 787? Pretty please? No? Okay.jpg
yeah current gen LMP1 cars have always gotten the short end of the stick since every game has had Group C cars in it that are/were legitimately faster due to the series rule sets then and now. hell, i think it was forza 3 where even LMP2 cars were smoking everything. but im old so might be wrong on the game #.
not sure if there is a solution other than breaking up the class further. i am sure every other class has the same problems with certain cars though.
my friends and I run R18s between each other, 3 times even in public lobbies, and whoever gets the fasted lap wins.