Best all around C class car for multiplayer (no tune)

What’s the best car for handling, speed & acceleration etc; Right now for me the 1971 GT-R is the best if i tune it and Iv’e been wondering about others.

Personally, my go-to car in the lobbies in the Mitsubishi Evo VIII MR. The no-aero version seems to be competitive on any track.

Most dominant cars appear to be the S2000, and BRZ, and I seem to see an awful lot of Clios about.

I use NO-AERO '13 MAZDA MX-5. Competitive on most tracks, easy to control, fun to drive.

TG Wormburner - Acura Integra. Does well around most tracks

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Agreed. Very fast car even though it doesn’t seem like you’re running a killer lap.

With no tune and using the autoupgrade feature, the Ferrari 250 GTO is crazy good on bigger tracks that require acceleration/speed.

70 camaro and mercury are the fastest but 71 skyline has killer acceleration when built right and also drives horrible as result.

Best awd cars seem to be 05 scooby, evo vII, and gmc cyclone (see LBs at Yas for proof lol). These cars rock on medium tracks where acceleration out of corners is key.

S2000 and 97 civic are good but not as dominant as they used to be. Most muscle cars can stomp on them.

Buick, 90 camaro, cuda, 70 challenger have some of the best acceleration among the muscle cars when built for power tracks. The 69 stang isn’t far off.

Gen 1 miata is an underrated killer grip car. Also good for Alps. My fwd veloster is a pretty awesome grip car too. :stuck_out_tongue:

For medium tracks that require enough handling and good acceleration, I really like a detuned Buick and 90 camaro. My 442s are pretty killer too. Oh shameless plugs. Haha.

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I wouldn’t call the Gen 1 miata underrated, it’s one of the most dominant C class cars you can make, up there with Civic’s, s2k’s, Toyotaru’s, etc,etc. Have you tried the Suabru 22b (no aero) ? I’d argue it’s better than even the Evo 8, it is for me at least.

The scooby and evo seem pretty close to one another.


Problem with the Evo and scoob is 9 times out of 10 they are the god awful short shifting 1.6 turbo rally lump thrown in. Unless you know to short shift at 5.5k then they are slow as hell!

I don’t remember if it was in C class but my '69 Mustang (upgraded with no tune) was really fast and handled well.

I only use the E30 M3 in C class and I crush with it.

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My Nissan Fairlady Z (1969) is a beast in C-Class. It’s by far is the most dominate car I have seen in lobbies. Not saying im the fastest, but the acceleration and launch plus decent handling is competitive on almost all tracks. Even got some top 300-600 times no rivals hot lapping just lobby. So the guy who said muscle cars are not good on alps = Wrong. If your not at least a top 500 racer with one of your best cars you won’t beat me in my lady. Don’t believe or haven’t seen me in my lady look me up I got clips and a saved replay called “Try Try Try Again”.

1969 Nissan Fairlady Z in my opinion is one of the most dominate track for track lobby cars in C-Class.

U must not play with fast people. You can dominate with jeep if ur in a room full of donkeys. also Alp tune Z would be slow on sebring.

For starters, it’s not a Muscle car. The reason “most” muscle cars suck on Alps is because they have absolutely woeful grip at high speed, making them poor at keeping momentum. Unlike the fairlady Z which I believe gains more grip as you gain speed, making it good for momentum based tracks, though it sounds like yours is set up for speed, with a v8 etc etc.

Not fast, LOL. Oh I’m fast buddy. And I have a Dodge Challenger in C=Class that is almost as fast on Alps. I tell you what? No I’m not top 200 hundred fast or anything but top 600 to 800 most definitely. Wanna see how fast add me as a friend and send me a message when and where champ.

If it can’t even get a top 200 time, it’s clearly no good for Alps, a bone stock hyundai genesis could even run a top 200 time. Both cars you’ve mentioned are good cars, the 69 Z even has a bunch of top 10’s, just not on Alps, though the Z could be good on Alps if you built it for handling.

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I notice trp owner has 2 top 200 in a Z on alps.

He ran those times in a lobby race on monday afternoon.

ok cool will do.

The quickest people I normally see online when i play (emphasis on when) are my teammates, Cortina, and Bigpoppa, yas corner cutters, and occasionally a guy from another known team. I’m in need of quality racers to race with.