The Audi Quattro #4

Is anyone having difficulties with this car? I’m using manual w/clutch but this car just seems to hate launching. I’m doing exactly the same as I do with every other car but this Audi is hating it.

Do I have to have a certain RPM before taking off? It seems that as soon as I release the clutch it just stops dead in it’s track.

Haven’t driven it yet, but try tuning 1st, or try a launching at full throttle

I am not having any issues with launching the Audi. Granted its tuned up to its maximum.

Running manual with clutch, I presume? I have lots of trouble with the Indycars wanting to die. Even launching off the rev limiter they will stall. Real, real annoying.

This is the exact issue for me too. It seems only Indy cars/this Audi are the problem. Indy cars I think I have got down, but this Audi just likes to come to a complete stop.

Either shift final drive towards acceleration until it launches well and then spread the gears other than first or tune 1st towards accel until it launches well and decide if the shift up to 2nd is ok or not. You may need to tune second as well. I can work it out once my update finishes.

It seems like playing with the gearing has fixed it. Just need to do a little bit of fine gearing to find the sweet spot. Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Just had a quick play. Stock upgrades.

Final drive 4.0
1st 3.70
2nd 2.05
Rest are default.

I will tweak some more later but need to go to work now…boo

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If anyone wants to try it, I have a R 900 drag tire and anti stall build/tune that’s quite fast and turns surprisingly well.

Look up my GT. It’s called: anti stall dt ra. The “dt” and “ra” are short for drag tire and race.

SatNite, I copied your final drive but adjusted 1st to 3.75 and 2nd to 2.40 while tweaking the other gears only slightly.

I’m not sure but I think this car doesnt have a clutch manual gear box. I believe the Audi E-tron doesn’t as well and it has the same problem. Try driving with regular manual.

Change the ratio. Its fine then…

@audiblejam ive done one 2. Its a beast… handles well 2.

Thanks again for the replies guys, but another issue.

I haven’t played forza 5 as much as I would have liked to so right now I have got onto racing LMP cars so /I have just tried the R18 e-tron. Again I’m getting even if I hold the clutch down from counting down 3-2-1 then I release the clutch and accelerate the car just bogs down and stops moving. I know it’s not a controller issue or a game issue but is there a technique to the racing start? What do you do at the begining or the race?

I know that the R18 (w/no upgrades) should be able to start fine, which it does in just manual, but in manual clutch it just doesn’t like it haha

EDIT: Going to upload a video. Even holding the clutch and full throttling and releasing the clutch it doesn’t move.

So any advice?

Same issue, same solution. Tune the gears.

Same here, when go tunning gearbox show 7 gears but can’t tune 7th. In race the same: can’t reach the 7th gear even manual w/clutch… so dissapointing… when touch ratios on every gear graphics goes mad overlaping lines and after saved if I return to tune gears lines looks in bad possition…

It should be one of the best cars in the game :sob: