Read quite a few reports after a Google search about people seeing texture pop in only a few metres ahead of their car on SX performance and graphics mode, as well as PC max settings.
I’m on One X and definitely seeing it too. Are they looking into it? Don’t ever remember seeing textures spawning like this in front of me in FH 4, 3 or 2.
Texture rendering is listed in the Identified & Investigating section of the Known Issues at Forza Support. Submitting a ticket with your details on console will help alert the team so it can be added to the list.
Actually it isn’t. The closest it gets is: Performance - Texture rendering issues on PC for terrain and vegetation when using Resolution Scaling On (Date Added:12.03.21)
Max, the known issues list is pathetic. I could forgive a minor missing thing or two but the FREQUENT crashes are unlisted, the exposure issues are unlisted, the superultrawide issues are unlisted, and the issues it does deign to acknowledge are massaged to the point of untruth, like the entry above. The game is in BAD shape, and failing to acknowledge it is only going to make people more irate.
Yeah, this is definitely not a resolution scaling issue, because I don’t even use that. This is a LOD issue that seems like the meshes are loading far too close to the player. They need to be adjusted big time. I would rather reduce other graphics settings to get the same frame rate if it causes the frame rate to drop. I cannot stand watching objects strobe on my screen as they pop in. Shadows do the same thing. Watch how the shadows all around the map pop into existence as soon as you get close to them. It’s not like this stuff is rendering far away. It’s happening a few car lengths away from me.
Two months since release. Make your own conclusions. I dont think they even care, why should they? people already did buy the game and gave em the money lol.
Also games these days that are supossed to be AAA (and im saying SUPOSSED) have , ALL OF THEM similar problems. Its how videogames look these days, why people still dont understand this, escapes me.