I’ve been experiencing really awful texture pop-in for the last several months, especially with trees and approaching cars. Both load only a few car lengths ahead of me such that the cars change color and the trees appear out of nowhere. I know this has been a problem for many in the past, but it seems particularly bad for me lately. It doesn’t seem to affect buildings too much, but Trailblazer flags don’t appear until I’m almost on top of them.
I have not been able to find a combination of graphics settings that lessens this problem. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can try? Not only is it ruining immersion, it’s actively distracting during races.
Run the game on Ultra settings for enviroment texute quality and geometry quliaty settings. Anything less will cause LOD issues. If you’re system can’t handle it use high settings, you’ll still get them but not as bad as the lower settings.
I use these :
(if the photo looks blank click on it to see it )
Reflections quality , world car level ot detail and all of that don’t matter you can go higher if you want. Nonetheless try these settings if you wish
Thanks! I’ll give those a try. Hopefully, I’ll see some improvement.
After checking the game today i noticed that there was still some pop in issues even at ultra. But they’re less noticable and i haven’t had issues with not seeing trailblazers or anything.
Yeah, it’s definitely better on ultra. The car pop-ins are still pretty bad. Their hi-res textures don’t get loaded until about 4-5 car lengths ahead of me. The terrain pop-ins are less noticeable, though. I guess this is probably as good as it will get. I feel a little better knowing I’m not the only one experiencing it. ::
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The cars changing color is something thats been with forza for a long time as far as i know. I dont think its got anything to do with texture pop-in but i might be wrong. I feel the same way when i see someone else experiencing the same glitch.