Graphics - Pink surfaces

After fast travelling to rally dlc from hotwheels dlc i was met with the pinksplosion… I mean dont get me wrong, i like the colour as much as the next guy/girl/sentient jellyfish/whatever, but this is a bit over the top

Okay, what’s causing this? It’s kinda annoying and it’s the only game that does this.

Sorry if I’m double posting because I had originally posted this under the wrong sub forum I think and don’t want it to go under the radar.

Anyway, I see the trees doing a weird purple thing as I move in closer. I also noticed the same in RDR 1 where distant buildings and structures would do a purplish greenish morphing thing with the textures as I move closer.

No other games do this. I’ve got dozens… SX optimised ones, x360 ones, Xbox One X enhanced ones. No issues at all with them.

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Have you tried reinstalling both games?

Ive noticed this too on my sx. The lod loads in the trees in a pink hue (likely default texture) and then pops in with colour a half second thereafter. If you’re going slow this isnt a problem but in s1 class and above it struggles to load the textures as youre flying along. I didnt notice this on my series s when the game first launched. I feel like the detail on items in the game has actually degraded over time, likely as they add in more stuff they degrade quality of items to decrease usage of the cpu. But it could also just be me not noticing the textures popping on my old system and just remembering the earlier updates with a bit of rose coloured shades. Maybe the graphics level is the same as it always was.

Either way, mate, it’s an issue that shouldn’t be there to begin with. Hope they sort it out as I’m facing the exact same issue you described.

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I tried reinstalling RDR 1. Didn’t make a difference. Now will try the same with FH 5 although it’s going to take a while. Hopefully, I’ll find the time and motivation to do it but it’s such an unnecessary step.

Even when you go to their support page to submit a ticket, there’s a topic called “I see purple trees”. Apparently, they are aware but won’t roll out a fix, can’t understand why.

Also there’s too much morphing and popping in as you drive. I’m not enjoying the game because of these issues…

Neon leaves Forza Edition

Well, I sometimes see them on buildings as I drive toward them or on the bushes and grass. It only happens when textures load in… e.g. from a lower LOD to a higher one.

It’s a game issue. Don’t know why they haven’t fixed it.

Doesn’t help at all but thanks for dropping in.

Reminder: we’re tracking reports by Votes on the topic. If you are affected by an issue make sure you click Vote above the topic title in addition to replying with details.

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Sush keep it quiet or everyone will demand it

People, please vote if you’re getting this otherwise it’s never getting resolved. More noticeable during night driving.

When is this getting fixed?

Series X

I mean, there are bugs carried over all the way from forza horizon 3 they havent bothered fixing yet so i wouldnt get your hope too high

@McFlufferten @opencamswrx does this issue persist after recent updates? If so click Vote above the topic title.

Yes, Manteo - it’s still there although less noticeable.


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So, you guys getting around to resolving this or what?

I see this happen on my series x and soon as I turn my head either direction ( meaning use the right stick ) it’ll go away. Also goes away when I change the camera from cockpit to chase. I don’t see it as extreme as the OP tho. Mine’s usually minor.

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This is kind of unfair in some situations. I know that not a ton of players are using dolby atmos or any spatial audio so when I post a ticket about dolby atmos breaking I’m kinda in the minors even though I’ve tested it on 3 of my buddy’s systems.

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