Cars shining in green and red colors!

Cars shining in green and red colors!

I have a problem after I bought the standard digital version of FH2, happens all the cars in the game, and also where there is water getting flashing the entire time the green and red colors, it’s as if the car had in a nightclub and lights reflecting stay in the car!

Has anyone had this problem?

Have reinstalled the game 3 times already cleared the game data, already cleared the cache and Xone did no good, someone would know help me please!

best regards

Someone Turn 10 and Playground to respond?

My game is bad and I can not solve, please Turn 10 and Playground help me!
Look at the video I recorded!

I don’t think that’s a bug, rather, I think you bought Forza Horizon 2: Rave Edition.

Terrible jokes aside, your graphics chip/card/whatever is in an X1 may be faulty. Does this happen with other games, or only with FH2?

Only with FH2, with other games it does not happen!

Hmm, that’s very odd… I was going to suggest reinstalling the game, but I see you’ve already done that. 3 times… >.>

Have you tried doing a full power cycle? Other than that, I honestly don’t know what else to suggest. I don’t own an X1 myself, and I’ve never heard of anyone else having this problem. Hopefully someone else will show up that can help you better. : /

Thank Yakov Alfa, his attention was very important!

Now I also believe it to be something wrong with the very X1, because just bought another X1 and made an installation on it and the game is normal!

I will resover it with MS!

best regards

I guess the game is in the Christmas spirit. Honestly it has not happened to me but enjoy the joke.

No joke, this is a very serious flaw! Playing this way is too bad!
best regards

I meant the Christmas joke. Yes I know this is a flaw but as you already stated, it was fine on a different Xbox I am guessing that it probably was the Xbox.