As you can see it’s not my screen. The Datsun logo is red as it should be. The car thumbnails look normal (besides the plethora of glitches), all other games/apps look normal. But now all of the sudden all reds are shifted magenta/pink in-game.
The lighting in game gives everything a muted fuzzy glow.
have a look a the light bouncing off the Driver in the driver select menu. Looks like They have a fuzzy aura to them.
Yep AMD user here. I haven’t tried anything besides restarting my PC because I can tell it’s a game issue, since it’s only in-game rendered colors that are affected, and not UI, thumbnails, etc.
It’s getting old real fast. Thinking about putting this game down for a few months. I can’t stand the constant issues, issue after issue after issue. Add in the amount of crashes I get per day and it’s really more a chore playing this game than it is fun. I’m really getting P.O.'d.
Anything that should be the color RED is now PINK. Everything was fine yesterday (22 NOV 2023). This includes, but is not limited to, Cars, Tail Lights, Driver Suits, Vinyls, Braking Points, etc. I have restarted the game 3 times and did hard reboots twice, no change.
You don’t say
The developers are playing rainbow rulette to decide on which color to mess up next. They will have gone trough every color and they should all be correct sometime early 2025.
It persists as long as the colorblind setting is turned on. Check your colorblind settings. It’s easy to accidentally go into them and push left/right once, thinking you’re in another menu, and back out without realizing you changed it.
We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Issue not occurring anymore or Unable to reproduce.
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At the time of the closing this topic had 6 votes.