Syncing Game Save


My Xbox died over Christmas and I’m waiting for the replacement to arrive from Microsoft. I’m not sure how the cloud save sync works after reinstalling games on Xbox. Do I just reinstall the game and it will automatically retrieve all my tunes, paints, dlc, etc? Do I need to wait for it to sync before playing? If I play before the old save is synced would that overwrite the cloud save and cause me to lose everything?

All of your data should be on your profile. Once you get your replacement Xbox One just sign into your original account you would play on and you should be fine. But yes, wait for your data to sync or else you may risk corrupting your data, which I know you won’t wanna do. Hope this helped mate :slight_smile:


Correct instructions. The main thing is no matter how long it takes to sync, you MUST let it proceed by itself - without playing other games or even launching the game if it says “Ready to play…” at some point. Go to 100% sync before doing anything.

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Thanks for the advice.

Do I need to install each game to prompt it to sync or am I best to wait for it to sync everything before even installing? I bought Forza and a couple of others as a download so it could be a long job getting everything back.

Once you’ve installed the game(100%) and fire it up that should trigger the sync, as Snowowl said just let it sync it can take hours with a new console. It took me 2 hours to sync FM5 when I had to get a replacement console.