So I just received a replacement Xbox after my first one was water damaged (beer). I downloaded forza 5 again loaded it up and it is now syncing data…infinitely. Anybody else had this?
Just curious if Microsoft covered that by any chance? also there has been quite a few updates and when installing the game it takes a fair amount of time. You may want to check if live is having any issues it could be a server problem they were having some issues the other day for sure so maybe some kind of maintenance on low peak hours. I would recommend waiting for an hour before trying to restart your xbox.
Yes Microsoft offered to replace it for free even though it was water damaged. I ended up taking it back to my local eb games though and getting a replacement free of charge. Pretty happy about that
Hmm that’s awesome I never get that lucky with things like that.
So all other games are syncing fine (ryse, bf4, tomb raider, ac black flag). It appears to be an issue exclusive to forza 5. Is there any way I can get in contact with turn 10 support because this is extremely frustrating. - only send one email, give it a good title and make sure to include any possibly useful info. You will get an autoreply, and may never get a direct response - be patient and keep trying to get it so sync, if T10 can fix something they will eventually get to it and you will be on your way.
Yes it takes forever but let it finish. By forever I mean hours.
hours? darn. with all the recent threads since the last update now i’m afraid to turn my xbox on. if i walk away from my xbox it turns its self off in less than an hour. i’ll have to baby sit bumping a control stick every 5 minuets for hours? maybe i can tie a feather or toy mouse to the stick and borrow a kitten or something.