I have a feeling these games are only going to work with microsoft licensed peripherals. With this merger of windows 10 and xbox, im inclined to believe this to be true. Although im sure most wheel users dont own a xbox one licensed wheel, being able to use any wheel would make any licensing deals microsoft have made with wheel developers useless. This would further decrease sales numbers for xbox branded wheels which i dont see them doing.
Forza is a controller based game, they have always treated it as such. While they have always allowed for wheel support, they’ve never seemed too concerned about user feedback. Wheel implementation has always been very basic when it comes to options.
With early reports and videos about the wheel implementation in horizon 3, it seems to be the status quo. I wouldnt expect anything too different from past titles. The fact that the entire set up they had at e3 with a dashboard view with no wheel had to be requested by the maker of the rig and was not in the release copy as of now is troubling.
In my eyes this confirms to me the continued lack of options for wheel users. If they cant add simple things that literally almost every racing game has, how can it be expected they are going to support an almost 10 year old wheel like the g25 or g27. The fact that nothing has even been really said about forza apex’s wheel support other than “soon” is also worrying.
If theres one thing ive noticed about Microsoft and this is often conveyed by turn 10 as well, its that they either wont or very rarely say “no”. They dont want any negative press and i can understand that, but it often leads to finding out the real answer either at launch or shortly before, most likely to avoid the possibility of someone canceling a preorder or not buying the game all together. I think if forza apex’s wheel support is not added before the launch of horizon 3, theres most likely some dissapointing news for anyone here who doesnt own a xbox wheel.
We might be looking at things like a racing game enthusiast who owns a wheel, but in the larger scheme of things, microsoft just need titles on both platforms. Turn 10 being i think their 3rd largest studio, is just doing what they have to do to get their games to work, everything else is secondary. Im sure resolution and fps will be more important to them then what wheels will work.
So although wheel support is important to any racing game on pc and maybe in future titles things might change,but i think this particular game is going to be a console port and will treat peripherals and wheel options as such. I really hope im wrong because it seems as though theres many people out there with a pc and a non xbox wheel who would really want to buy this game as well as any other future forza.