Additional steering wheels for console?

I have a feeling that this won’t work probably because of some licensing guff that prevents certain hardware from working on certain platforms but I feel like there is a number, maybe not a big number but a number nonetheless of people who own wheels that are completely useless with the Xbox One. In my particular situation I have a T500 RS rig which as some of you may know is a wheel designed for PlayStation and licensed by Gran Turismo however as most wheels go, it does work on PC. This was because I did more of my serious sim-racing on GT6 and Project CARS with the knowledge that the wheel would not work with the One or Forza although that would have been great since I do quite a lot of Forza, probably more than those two combined. I only learned recently that FM6 Apex and Horizon 3 on PC have support for some wheels that the console versions don’t support, including the T500 RS. So the question is: considering PC versions of the game get support for wheels that the console version does not, is there some chance that the console versions will get added support in the future? Or is legit hardware imcompatibility and licensing for consoles while still maintaining support for PC as a whole the only way we are even able to get these wheels to Forza in some capacity in the first place?