Suggestion - "never won an Open race" matchmaking

Wow, I was expecting a little better than that . . . .

Dodging the conversation with a verbal slight at the individual . . .pretty common political distraction move . . .disappointing . . .


Just go for Custom Racing. The chances are pretty high that the game matches u only with 1 or 2 other players for the first race. Pick the Ford GT '05 and put Nalak’s Tune one it. Even if you’re really bad u still have a decent chance to win because the car almost drives by itself.


This is the best suggestion I’ve seen for anyone struggling.

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The time wasted in matchmaking fast travelling and whatever for just 2 points is a joke and then you have to win should be 2 points for just taking part or 5 points if require to win.

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yes, that’s how I did it but even there I found the GT of little use, came second once I think but just got battered by other cars (ramming and losing to better drivers), CC was the better option in the end, where first or second was not uncommon and there were fewer players, especially in B and A (won in B)

I think winning a round in “team playground games” should also count. Anyone tried this? Queue up for Team based event not solo. Don’t forget to enter in offroad tuned Ford.

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Haven’t tried it but came to mind indeed. It’s just that I really dislike the PGG. I skip a lot of those when they’re on the Playlist as separate entry like last week. It’s just two maybe five points.
When I do join I do try my best, which is still not that well I admit.

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Menos mal que no soy yo solamente el que está indignado con este reto semanal.
Hola a todos, es la primera vez que entro y participo en un foro, pero esta semana esta siendo cada día mas frustrante el maldito reto de ganar con un ford en abierto, me parece excesivo para poder completar la estación semanal, del enfado incluso he tenido que buscar y buscar por internet algún tipo de foro o contacto (como este mismo) para poder desahogarme. indignante es poco la idea del reto…

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Posts must be in English.

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Just go for - Custom Racing . . .?

This would not be a drivers ability calculation metric for player choice, or a game programmed level determination system.

It would be a knowledge decision that the player would already need to have the driving experience in the game to make.

Being we are discussing ranking systems and new players, I don’t believe a new player will know what a “Nalak” is, or the prowess of the 05 GT.

Of course, if they stay with the game, they will eventually learn what these are, but at that point, they may no longer be considered a -“New Player”.

The new player, if so lucky to choose that particular car, and happen to locate Nalak’s tune - which more than likely his first choice would be - Ugrundy, he will still be playing against others that will/may far outclass him.
The car is magnificent no doubt, but you still need to have track experience, know the brake points, good passing locations, the right race line - etc . . .

Good thought, but IMO - the logic doesn’t support the goal of a better ranking system for new and veteran players.

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I have no idea what you just wrote or how you came to this conclusion.

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Thanks for the thought! The idea doesn’t cover veteran players, really. Just those without a win. That might be a veteran player but it’s a one-off and veteran players are unlikely to care. I’m prestige 5 level 500 in Horizon 4 so qualify as veteran player, though I’m not very good at this stuff, I just enjoy it. I do not know what Nalak is. A search tells me it’s something about a serpent so presumably it’s related to winding roads, right?

I tend to go for custom race, in open racing, for the Ford challenge I chose the Shelby Mustang 13 tuned to A class, was up against Ford GT 05 and another Mustang 00, easily won the first and second races the other Mustang dropped out during first race due to being las I expect so second race just me and the GT 05, would have won third race but a couple of Nissan GTRs were thrown into the mix and one of them thought it was fun to play bumper cars with me, so the GT 05 got first but I still got second and so won the series.

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You don’t need to win the series for the challenge,just one race.You could have let the GT win the second race you meany!

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He won the last race anyway due to a moron in a Nissan.

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I’d expand this into a skill-based matchmaking system. Lots of multiplayer games have some level of skill based matchmaking implemented and it works much better than “any player vs any player” matchmaking FH has, IMO.

Just noticed this is an old topic :smiley:
anyways, found it in suggestions and voted for it

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