No Competition?

Is anyone else finding there’s no competition in online races. Everyone I race against seems new and just learning the ropes. I rarely come across anyone with half my skill level. Now I know there are better players out there cause I have seen a few GMs post in these threads. Why am I not being matched against them? Please improve matchmaking or simply bring back ranked races.

Try using slower cars? Give them headstart?

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I often do the latter and five everyone 5 to 10 seconds. Or I do a 360 on a straight when I have the lead. Haven’t tried driving backwards yet though.

I saw mostly corner bombing and it’s hard to measure any skill if I can’t drive then. :smiley:

Mixed bag myself. I struggle more on Road events but am better at Dirt/Cross Country. But in any race series I’ve won I can only think of a couple times where I could say I was dominant, but I can think of lots of times where I was at the back lol!