I read the forums almost everyday just to see what’s going on and if I have missed anything. Just like the title says, if you really do not have anything new to add when it comes to complaints then just let it go.
I love the game, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one. Everyone and their sister knows the flaws of the game but it is what it is, live with it and just go race and have fun (or paint, tune, whatever floats your boat).
Again, there are tons of people who love the game for their own reasons and it is getting frustrating only to hear you complain about the same things day in and day out. If you have nothing constructive to say other then “add this”, “this game is a disappointment”, or “all these cars we had before” then just let it go man.
Go race and just have some fun instead of trying to bring the whole world down with your negative attitude.
Sorry but I’m not sorry if this sounds rude to all of you haters out their.
constructive criticism
While I agree with you, this doesn’t help.
I have no idea what was wrong with the comment, but I will try to meet the needs of everyone next time and be more supportive of the negative people out there. Sorry this post “doesn’t help” you.
let me provide a little enlightenment for you, “if you really do not have anything new to add when it comes to complaints then just let it go”. your post qualifies.
I am way too busy painting, tuning, testing, hot lapping, MP racing, etc. to complain about much. FM5 has been a great value and I am having tons of fun!
Be happy and enjoy what you have instead of being unhappy with what you do not have / cannot do.
You also have to figure that people payed good money for the game and season pass and vip. I believe the more that people complain only help get things fixed for everyone. If no one complained no fixes would be made. Some people do need to be better at complaining then others but still it only helps things eventually get fixed the more people that complain about one thing the better. Not one person complaining over the same thing 100 times.
I completely agree that people need to speak up and complain. However, I’m not talking about saying there is a problem here or this isn’t working. It’s the people who keep complaining about the same thing everyday, they will literally take a post way off topic just to say something the whole community already knows. Look, it’s not like I got the game or the system for free I had to save up for a while (from the time they announced the xbox one I started saving money even with having to pay for 2 back surgeries). So I know that people paid money just like me to play the game. But, just play the game and have some fun instead of focusing on every little thing specially if it’s a well known issue.
The whole point of this post is just to get people to relax and have fun, we as a community have brought sever issues to turn 10 attention and they work in secrecy so it will be all fixed at some point.
But until then play the game for what it is and just have a little bit of fun.
You’re right, time to break out the 360 and play fm4
No problems here ,Love f5
stop complaining the game is dead and nothings fixed except glitchers are free to to what they like
i very rearly come on this part of the forum anymore due to the people you are talking about. just kinda get fed up with people complaining about same cars less cars and no ring blahh blaah bllahh
You do realise that your complaining about people complaining. Pretty contradictory in my opinion.
People have good reason to complain they have purchased a game that’s far from complete. I’m not talking about content either.
All you have to do is look at the amount of negative threads. Says it all.
Simple solution, dont like it dont play, i love forza 5 and appriciate all the work they put in with the NEW TECHNOLOGY, cant expect thousands of cars and tracks day one with something NEW, if turn 10 wanted they could have just ported but then why do it on next gen, so to everyone that complain about “lack of content” just consider how racing games all began and where it got with old tech
It doesn’t make the game any better.
OP you have a great point. But saying if you dont like something, dont play it is ridiculous. I love the game. BUT theres lots missing and changed. And Im not discussing that here and now. Just saying that complaining about complaining is pretty redundant. Just like this that I am writing. Not helpful to anybody. I might suggest if you dont like a thread, dont read it…
Alright, here we go…
We wanted laser-scanned tracks, T10 gave us laser-scanned tracks. We wanted Bathurst, T10 gave us Bathurst. We wanted Spa, we got Spa. We wanted updated Silverstone, we got updated Silverstone. We wanted free DLC, T10 gave us updated Road America for free. We wanted open-wheel, T10 gave us open-wheel. We wanted the Ariel Atom, T10 gave us the Ariel Atom. We wanted Indycars, T10 gave us Indycars. We wanted Formula 1, T10 gave us Formula 1. We wanted to paint stock rims, T10 let us paint stock rims. We wanted carbon fiber for painting cars, T10 gave us carbon fiber for painting cars. We wanted (admit it) to explore all of our favorite cars in the game in AutoVista, we got to explore all of our favorite cars in the game in ForzaVista. Shall I continue?
We’ve lost a lot and we’ve gained a lot. If you want Forza 4, GO PLAY FORZA 4. If you want Forza 5, GO PLAY FORZA 5. If you’ve got an issue, put it in one of the already established threads or zip it.
Personally, I’d like to see the mods temp-ban anyone who can’t follow their ‘no dupe threads’ rule. I’d like to think that would clean the garbage up quickly…
Amazing that some humans are so confused. Forza 5 is not a Nintendo Entertainment System Game Cartridge from 1985.
It’s going to constantly evolve and be improved upon and added to FOR YEARS TO COME.
Whining about it is like complaining about ITunes because your favorite band’s new album isn’t going to be released for a few more days, and then just ranting about how it’s proof iTunes sucks when iTunes had nothing to do with it.
Forza 5 is a computer program, that will receive drastic complete re-hauls and enhancements seamlessly as we all sit around playing.
Poor Forza 5 owners. How unfortunate that you get to play the greatest racing game ever.
Should they have waited 2 more years before allowing us access?
They owe us nothing more as gamers for this game, but they’re gonna deliver it anyway.
They’ve already delivered a product, and we bought it.
But they’re going to continue to improve it, in spite of the fact that many of you sound like Barbie after eating too much cake.
So you decided to make a post complaining about people complaining… Yea…
Yeah, K Twenty its weird that people would do that eh ? hold on, isn’t that kind of what your doing too or would you just class it as trolling the thread ?
Anyway, personally Id like to see a dramatic change of tone in this thread before it gets locked.