So. Much. Negativity.

My god. It’s unbelievable. It doesn’t stop.

‘Not enough cars, no Nurbrgring, they should of done this, they should of done that, that’s wrong, blah blah blah’

It confuses me, after having the game and loving it since Christmas (just finished single-player), as to how people are complaining about everything.

Cars are in great detail. Tracks are great detail. New tracks were great choices. Sad to see removed tracks, but if they kept them in you’d complain that they were low detail.

Then there are the people who repeat thing that have already been mentioned loads. They get the idea, you dont like it, why are you posting AGAIN if it has been mentioned a few times already??

They did their best, if you don’t like it, deal with it. Start appreciating the good and suggesting improvements rather than shouting what they should’ve done instead at them.

Same thing happened with Horizon and it’s so irritating.

Admittedly day one DLC is a bit stupid, they could easily just release it in the Day One update they always do if it couldn’t be on disc, but instead of moaning on and on about it, I will realize that almost every game does that and it is just a regular tactic does by developers now to get money from people who have it.


The key is to not get too swept up in the negativity of others. You can’t stop it and the people posting it are so unreasonable that any response you give is only going to incite more negativity. It’s not likely that a well-reasoned, moderate perspective is going to change the opinion of someone who comes on here to spew negativity and hate in a vicious and unconscionable manner. The only resolution to those people is moderators locking threads and banning accounts.

…which, ironically, just gives others something else to complain about.

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If you enjoy the game don’t let others get to you. The most important thing is … DO YOU ENJOY IT??? If you do them problem solved. I understand that to come on the forums and just see all the negativity is a downer but just dont take part in it and ignore those that do focus on the bad. Or if you want to counter act it add positive feedback and than leave it at that. You did your part and gave your two cents, and in the forums that is all you can do. Trust me Turn 10 reads 100% of all the posts. The mods have to, to keeps things from getting out of hand.

The one thing I have been disappointed in with this game is the no save replay option in Multiplayer. It hinders the ability to be able to do YouTube videos the way you want. Other than that, I have no complaints for this game. I love it and it is a lot of fun. Do I wish it had more cars? Yeah. More tracks? Yeah. But I understand how the game industry works, unlike most gamers, and it isn’t that simple. It takes Turn10 6 months to develop each car (obviously they have a large team with 200 vehicles in 2 years) and each track takes a year to develop. Nurburgring even more than that. I can’t believe how much they actually managed to put into this game on a new console, new architecture with having to completely start from scratch. Very good game Turn10!


I admit, I complained initially. But soon realized a couple things. First: Turn Ten isn’t going to correct the problems. meaning, they’re not going to add even one car to the game without it being paid for thru DLC. They’re not just going to add cars to the game to make up for any perceived deficit vs previous Forzas. Complain all you want, it ain’t gonna happen. Tracks, well they take forever to build and they need to match the level of detail that the rest of the game is in. And they ain’t coming free either. Don’t get it twisted. Same as you had to pay for soccer field on F4, you will have to pay for the ring and whatever other track they add (please, Maple Valley).
Second thing I realized is that I love playing this game. Is it all the game that Forza 4 was? Hell no. Yet, I find myself playing it a LOT more than I played Forza 4. I think, for me, as a car lover to the heart, it’s just so beautiful to look at. Besides racing a lot, I also spend a lot of time just looking at my cars in Forzavista. I have duplicate cars just to have different liveries on the car.
So, I agree, we just have to adjust. It’s not Forza 4. Get over it. Turn 10 did. and unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, that’s all that matters. You paid your money for the game. Love the game for what it is. Forget about what it isn’t…pains me to say that, but, what else can we do?


Sooo, not true. Turn10 just released a bundle of fixes to the DLCs (engine swaps, graphical fixes, etc.) not to mention that they put out Drag racing and Tag gameplay free of charge in a recent update. Couple that with the soon to be released Nurburgring track (supposed to come in “January” timeframe) and I think we can safely say that you aren’t correct in this regard. As I said above, what some might call “complaining”, I’d call “feedback”. Even Worm is participating in the “Forza 5 Game Features Wishlist” thread, so we know that this isn’t just some b****fest (for lack of a better term), it is critical to let Turn10 know exactly what we want and expect to see. The only way the game truly improves is through feedback from the consumers…

I agree that they added some gaming modes. But the two biggest issues people have complained about are having fewer tracks and fewer cars. I explained what I meant. Anyone who thinks they’re going to add tracks or cars to the game free of charge is kidding themselves. The fact that we’ve “heard” from who knows who that Nurburgring is coming doesn’t mean it’s coming for free, if it is coming. The DLC bug fixes are just that. But 1000 other much simpler bug fixes that people have complained about well before the DLC was released are still unresolved. Will they fix them, I don’t know. Who does, definitively?

No need to argue about what they will or won’t do. This is my opinion based on what I’ve observed. I hope I’m wrong.

To a degree, I agree. However, based upon previous experience with Forza and Turn10 (having played all of the previous iterations of Forza (from FM - FM4 + Horizon), they aren’t like some other software groups that tend to operate with a certain, shall we say ‘disregard’, to their customers. Turn10 typically fixes things that are broken and tend to let go things that aren’t really a real game stopper (the level 255 issue for example, it doesn’t really mean they don’t want to fix it, there are just limitations to time and manpower and they could be better served on other issues/content) and they tend to address user requests for improvements.

Personally, from the long time Forza players, I see more concern about things like custom lobbies than I do about tracks/cars (content). I think most of us recognize that the tracks and cars require time that can’t be corner-cut for the sake of desired quality, so we accept the limitation but we also expect that certain aspects of our gaming experience be improved upon. These forums are an excellent venue for voicing those desires and concerns.

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The sad thing is, that this is the truth.

Kudos to the OP. Entitled to attitude

Yup stuff needs to change and it will. But the little hurt children think that recording and repeat posts are gonna make it happen sooner.

There are def things to complain about or want changed…but thats not the problem, its how they go about it. 3rd grade pitch a fit technique.

Mimic, it’s time to tone it down a notch. Now.


“Complaining” about desired features is key to the Turn10 improving their product to suit their consumers and the marketplace (in general, not the Marketplace). It’s called feedback, and as long as it is not just generalized moaning and complaining with no expectation of improvement, then it is worthwhile. Turn10 often releases updates, fixes and added features, so these forums provide a way for Turn10 to determine what their customers most desire and provide it to them. Turn10 wants to improve their product, most software developers do (if they value their employment), and this is especially true with the car addicts at Turn10.

Don’t knock it, the marketplace works if you just let it.


At the end of the day, the most important part is that you enjoy the game yourself. Ive had my LE Edition since launch and I struggle to play something else. Its a great game and highly addictive and in my opinion much more fun that FM4

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Forza has been my favorite franchise in gaming since the first one. I, like many others, bought an xbox one specifically for Forza. We got so much less than usual (I don’t even care about the car list) and so many more bugs than usual. It is not the game it should be and I feel we are completely justified in expressing this. If everyone just said positive things, they would think everything is fine. Everything is not fine.

There. Is. Just. So. Much. To. Be. Negative. About.


Nailed it sir. Nailed it.

I have played a couple of the other Forza games a few times. But, this is my the first Forza that I have bothered to keep playing. That is because it is simply stunning in its detail. As far as content… I’m going to be at this game a long time, before I can even complete the single player career. Just want to say thanks to Turn10 for all the fun I’m having. Honestly, the only complaint that I have is that I was having so much fun that I felt the need to get a wheel to further immerse myself in the game and now I have some serious cash tied up in this thing.

If this is the first next gen racing title and it is already this good, I can’t wait to see what will come in the future!

I’m not going to lie, I was and still am very disappointed in Forza 5. But I have the ability to love something while being disappointed, and wanting it to be better. I’ve still put in 140 hours of drive time, because I enjoying playing the game at least a little bit every day.

I got over the limited number of cars and tracks. I actually think one of the big reasons for some being so upset over it, not just disappointed, but seemingly betrayed, is because as the OP said they feel tracks and cars were “removed”. Considering how much they’ve talked about rescanning/rebuilding all the cars and tracks to meet the high standards that are possible on the XB1 they didn’t “remove” anything. Think of it more like FM5 starting as a blank slate, and it’s not that Turn 10 removed anything, they included.

Had GT5 only been cars and tracks built for the PS3, the game would have been a lot smaller. Only 200 cars, not 1000, to give a general idea. And GT5 would have been a game roughly 5 years in the making with less content than FM3. PD sacrificed quality for quantity. People noticed, complained, and criticized. People seem to be acting like they wanted Turn 10 to do what PD did. Simply up-res a bunch of cars and tracks to fill FM5’s pool of content. Honestly I’d be kind of annoyed to spend $560 on “next gen” hardware and software, to see last gen visual quality all over the place. Time and resources are not infinite. While it could have been possible for Turn 10 and MS to take a “spared no expense” approach to the budget of FM5 to ensure it had as much or more content than FM4, it’s not reasonable for us to expect it. GT5 was said to have a budget of $60million in 2009, but by 2010 it had grown to $80million, which at the time made it the 2nd biggest budget for a game. And game development, especially for new hardware, only gets more expensive. Not less.

Now, I have not gotten over disappointment for things like qualifying, being able to tune and have practice laps during pre-race after the track is already loaded, race length in career, how the AI doesn’t upgrade their cars in multiplayer or Free Play, there was a reduction of in-race information (ahead/behind tracking, seeing best lap, last lap, even last 3 laps, being able to hit a button to bring up the full race standings for the whole field in MP without eliminating all inputs which could be done in FM3/4, but not in FM5), getting lap time information even in timed races (because it would be nice to know if you are slowing down, especially compared to others), race and car telemetry in replays, replays for MP, and there’s more. Pretty much stuff that still hasn’t been put into the series, and for some reason never made it into FM5. Some of it stuff that FM5 does in some modes, but not others. Stuff that would improve the games’ sense of being a racing game. Stuff that could be options in the game, so FM5 could still be accessible to a wider audience. Where they could enter as casual car or racing fans, and if they choose to end up being hardcore enthusiasts.

Way to much negativity. Its like whenever FM post on there FB page, the trolls jump straight on it.

Will they ever get bored? Doubt it.

I’m more than happy with FM5, yes it has less cars and tracks than FM4. But it is evolution on to a new console and it provides a lot more playing hours than most other games.


Forza Motorsport 5 Track Wishlist