A break from negativity.. Thank You..

I just wanted to take a moment to show my appreciation for an updated feature, there’s a lot of negativity currently regarding the game.and DLC issues, and I am one of the band ‘effected’, but i feel we’ve got too wrapped up in some details and actually overlooked other, quite significant changes.

Thank you for allowing us to access the assist and options menu from the pause screen, for a wheel user, being able to change between paddle shift and another layout more beneficial to a shifter, all whilst mid race… it’s amazing. I no longer have to worry about whether I want to change car mid event and whether that car is paddle or stick shift.

Also, allowing us to access the full upgrade menu from the test drive screen… once again, small detail… massive result…

The list can and will go on and on… maybe take your time to add some new feature or change you like? We can’t all seriously hate everything… a little praise can go a long way.


I said this to a buddy of mine… its one of the best racing games I’ve played in awhile… The actual racing feels good to me, the fact that the blowers on the muscles cars actually shake when you rev the car, stuff jiggles around on the dash, the wipers lift at certain speeds.

But… its simply the worst game i’ve played in a long time… The racing is good, ignoring all the other b.s with the game, tier system, getting screwed over as a ViP member, loot crates… its awful Its simply awful…

Is there positives… sure… but the negatives FAR FAR FAR outweigh the positives.


I too am a VIP member, I’m also annoyed at this ‘amazing’ development… but put it into perspective, still got the cars and the gear, yeah they did screw the mods over, yeah it was wrong and yeah they should fix it… but one small portion of the VIP changed and everyone act’s like VIP revolved solely around those mods and it’s all ruined… it simply isn’t, they should fix their boo boo I agree… but it is only one aspect of the game, one aspect of the VIP alone, all other VIP bonuses were delivered and yet everyone acts like they don’t exist.

And loot crates, again, I don’t see the issue? Even the biggest one available is purchasable with in game currency (currently) yeah OK it’s tedious that not all cars are openly available… but can you afford to buy all 700 cars right now? Will you ever or have you ever purchased every single car in a forza game? The loot crates add an OPTION for a little excitement and ‘luck’ you don’t HAVE to buy them, and the fact even the best one is bought with in game cash should speak volumes compared to other microtransaction style games… most of them allow you to buy maybe the 1st and 2nd tier crates or rewards and everything else has to be cold hard cash… but no… 400k for granted car+mods+gear and a chance at rare car? Take my money… it took 10 laps of nurburg to earn it, which is why I bought a racing game… to race for rewards.

For a good number of us (I almost said majority) the reason we purchased the VIP package was to receive the bonus credits. It is far from a small portion of the reason. I for one, did not purchase it for a handful of cars that I had no idea if any of them would be of use to me and I certainly didn’t purchase it for a handful of driver gear.

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The isn’t without some improvements…but for me, the removal of features makes the majority improvements pointless. If I can’t race online the way I want and I can’t compete with my friends the way I want, the game has very little value to me. It’s such a disappointment to have been with this franchise from the beginning, to have Turn10 actively dialog with the community and to watch the steady decline in the game quality and a full out freeze on communication.

It’s a shame, because SP was looking more fun to me than before, but then, they in turn destroyed MP/Rivals. Shame that…


with all due respect your praising things that are a convienence that could be lived without… were complaining about game crippling problems and deceitful marketing… i loved forza… but forza 7 is forza in name only… if they keep this homologation system i like many others simply won’t buy the game anymore… unfortunatley i’m out $150 and have a game thats not worth $30 as it stands right now, i like many other feel ripped off by this iteration of forza, i’ve bought and played all 10 forza games; this one is the worst aside from graphics and car roster. i wish i could sing the praises of this game as i did for the other 9 forza games, but turn10 really dropped the ball on this game… hence the backlash from the once loyal fanbase which seems to be peeling away as we speak.

Do negative comments have to tarnish EVERY SINGLE THREAD? can’t anyone find the ability to see past their annoyances? The world seems to be getting more and more narrow minded, the way people are going on about this it’s like some 3rd world disaster has occurred, it’s a game for heavens sake, OK it doesn’t have everything you wish it did, or still did… but you’ll never have the perfect game unless you make it yourself, and even then I guarantee you’d never feel finished, because nothing will ever be perfect, and people will ALWAYS find something to complain about. Don’t let it ruin your life, especially when you’re only 2 hours into official release… or do you all quit on everything before its actually even started?


Couple points:
First, it’s not 2 hours… game has actually been under development for about 14 years now. Things aren’t changing for the better. Saying we’re only 2 hours into the release is a pretty soft excuse.

Secondly: It’s not a simple annoyance. Posts here would qualify as such (I’d expect both mine to you, and yours to me). I’m disappointed that more people aren’t tired of the pile of horse dung turn10 is feeding us and wish people would start holding companies accountable by voting with their dollar… otherwise, you get the same pile of dung over again. It’s not a slight glitch, it’s a near inexplicable removal of features many of us feel are integral to the game quality.

Thirdly, I don’t think I’ve read that people think this is inline with the devastation of the Earthquake in Mexico. But just because it’s not on that level, doesn’t mean people shouldn’t voice their concerns. You like it, that’s great. You want to post here, have at it. It’s a forum to express yourself. Not sure why you’re surprised someone would post a counter point.

Fourthly, I’ve actually posted some of the things I felt were an improvement. But if someone’s kicking me in the head, I guess I’m just not all that interested in appreciating the nice stitch work on his shoes.


Yeah fm7 definitely an upgrade from fm6. Im happy for drag race leaderboards

See ya Groo

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To me Forza 7 is great in general, but this thread seems to be about the small things, so Ill add: Music in replays finally got its own volume slider!

Hey man, I’m not suggesting anyone hate the game. If you like what it is, buy it. Love it and play the heck out of it. I played FM1/2/3 constantly, but was let down by the hoppers and inability to tune in private lobbies so 4 died pretty early. They did release a patch to do public lobbies, but I had lost interest by then. I bought FM5 and liked something, but found it was really only about 50% complete. The game was barely there. FM6 gave more, but didn’t really address any issues I had with FM5. Sucks, but still, I bought it… FM7 came out and gave us the ability to increase the length of SP races. That’s great. The ability to make a single player race feel like a race. Turn up the AI skill set and take your time and pass strategically. Some decent potential there. Other aspects of SP car classing was… a little limiting, but I was open to work with that in the environment supplied.

Then I started explore the MP functions. Hoppers? Still there. Oh well, as an option, that’s fine. Some people may like them. Lobbies? Not really functioning. Public Lobbies? Still no… I miss them, but I suppose I can do all the leg work to find people to race with. Rivals? Hey, still there. Great, figured to go look and check out the leaderboards. Nothing. Class Rivals? Nope. Pick a track and hotlap to compete with friends? Nope. Ok, so the vast majority of the game for me basically cut out since FM4. I’m left with a potentially ok SP game that I dropped 150 CDN on.

Is the game all bad? Absolutely not. But ruined? For many, unfortunately yes. And for someone who’s dropped money on every forza, I think it makes a lot of sense that I’m more than a little annoyed at Turn10, especially when that can’t be bothered to concern themselves with any single issue many in the community have. I’d have better luck talking to my cat, and that as much as anything ticks me off the most. Turn10 can’t be bothered to communicate with the community so these wildfires of negativity only spread. It’s their own fault on nearly every level.

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I’m really enjoying this game, and overall I’m not having too much trouble earning credits the progression is slower but the game is so much fun. I like the emphasis on collecting cars because I did that in the past and now there are extra rewards for that. Divisions seem like a good idea I’m willing to try it out, so far online races seem more balanced. Hopefully T10 can address some peoples’ concern. Some things could be improved like the VIP and T10 can make adjustments along the way, but the driving, sound design, overall look of the game are all awesome… having a great time.

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