So have they done anything to update wheel problems? Here is my issue still and I am just curious as to whether anyone has duplicated the problem. If I run the game on PC I have completely weak FFB and overall lack of feel-nothing really in the settings seems to make much of a difference. If I play the game on Xbox One then it has an insane amount of FFB and overall feel. I have also had it on Xbox One completely lose the FFB during races, you can unplug the wheel and plug it back in and it works again. I do have latest TX firmware. I have read all of the multitude of wheel problems on the forums however haven’t found anyone that sounds like they have this issue.
Have same problem with last firmware v51 on Forza 7 (Xbox)
I believe… Xbox overrides settings each time you launch the game… on PC you need to use the Thrustmaster config tool to set gains separately.