Stella Stig video about crash teams

Hey all,

Not sure I am putting this in the right forum and I don’t exactly know the rules here about posting links, so I won’t. However, Stella Stig has an interesting video out on crash teams in the lobbies. Basically, what he’s proposing is that he gets his subscribers to help report the guys BLANTANTLY involved with crash teams. I think its a great idea and would like to see if we could set something like that up here. Don’t know how Turn 10 feels about it, so I am only asking…

The rationale, which I agree with, is that if he just reports these people by himslef, nothing will be done about it. It wouldn’t… However, if lots of people report them all at once, then its a no-brainer for something to be done about it. This may or not be the “best” way to go about cleaning up the lobbies, but its the best idea I’ve heard yet. Curious as to what others think…

I think it’s a wasted effort. Currently, Turn 10 does not have a ‘Crash Team’ system in place for Forza 5 and Xbox Live Enforcement is likely to do nothing at all to those who are playing the game the way they choose to play. This effort could be a lot more constructive if you all simply befriended each other and raced in private custom lobbies.

I am trying to get a few links off the official xbox forums but that website is running somewhere between slow and not at all at the moment. (Update: looks like those forums have been updated. I will need to try and find what I was looking for but it will take a while with them still running slow).

It is a myth that a single report does nothing and many reports achieve a desired outcome.

If a person has broken the terms of service or code of conduct and their wrongdoing is provable then a single report is enough.

Also there is a clause in the terms of use saying that manipulation of the feedback system is itself a bannable offence. If person A reports person B and those two people have never played a game against each other or if someone gets caught soliciting such reports those two actions could potentially result in bans ie for those who thought they were doing the right thing.

We have an existing thread on griefers. Please use it instead of creating duplicate topic threads