poor sportsmanship in multiplayer lobbies-intentional crashing

I really enjoy racing in multiplayer lobbies. Most of the racers try to race in a sportsman like manner, but there are those players that get into the game with the purpose of crashing into player either to cause other players to crash in hopes of moving up in position or just for the “fun” of taking player out of the game. I have found that in many lobbies that the same player are doing this in every lobby they in which they play (can’t call it racing). There needs to be a way to remove the from the lobbies and ban them from continued game play. I think Forza needs to address this issue.What does anyone else think about this problem. Forza we need you help.

Your not saying anything different to all us that have had the game a year. Nothing is going to change.

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Report, block and vote to kick, it’s insane the number of people I’ve already blocked. It will always be a problem in racegames but in Forza 5 it looks like every idiot on the planet has bought a copy. If you’re looking for clean races I would recommend the endurance GT lobby, it’s one of the cleaner lobbies.

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… and find yourself some like-minded racers to befriend so you can create private lobbies of which you can police as needed. It’s the best remedy.

Although we had a fun private room last night, its harder to find people to play with.

What’s really insane is the number of people who don’t know these options exist and even when you try to educate everyone in a lobby most still don’t vote to kick. It’s like they’ve come to accept it.

I have a bit of a theory about the abysmal driving standards in the public lobbies. FM5 is breeding them via the career mode. In there you start mostly in 14th place and have two or three laps to get to the front. new players will find that the best way through is to smash the opposition off. obviously this misses the point of the game. sadly its my belief they carry this dim witted behaviour over to the public lobbies

I have played FM5 since day one and there has been no discrenable improvement. Reports appear ineffectual. Blocking just means a number of public lobbies are closed to you. And why is it still the case if you vote to kick then go to change your car its you that gets thrown out to the start screen. this drives us all nuts.

and to this day I have never seen another driving game, anywhere, where coming third can get you gold.


Lol, I remember racing you. You and your buddy were trolling the lobby I was in. Wrecking people passing you down straights, waiting wreck people in the corners. Then reporting to the point that it lower my rep. Your are the exactly what this threads about.

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I do think that is a big part of it. A lot of the career races really encourage this kind of behavior.

Your other theory is reporting people faster than for cheating, then start crashing them.

The wrecking is what it is…Period. Thats never going to change…Occasionaly you will find yourself racing adults…Not very often though. Apparently the Xbox One has a problem with internet connections when it comes to this game. Read the numerous posts here all with a common theme. Some of the poor driving can be atributed to lag. Not all but some. When you find yourself startiing a race behind a car with bright orange wheels,purple flat paint, and they have actually taken the time to mispelll a profanity on the rear end…well youre probably not going to have a good race. I bought the Xbox One for Forza…alot of people did. So I’ll run with this untill March of next year. Good luck finding a decent racing experience with Forza. Maybe you’ll find me onliine some time. I’m the guy getting his fresh paint beaten off his car…Charles

It is a long term problem

And the appropriate solution is on the gamertags you spot wrecking people, go into VIEW GAMER CARD, then Report or block, followed by Report, then select Unsporting behavior. There is then a box to fill in “CRASHER” - disruptive in races, causes wrecks, etc. Followed by Report to Xbox.

Those reports go to Xbox LIVE’s system, and rate those people down in the games. Have others in the races do the same, but don’t mention it during the races. The Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team has the ability to observe these people in whatever game they are playing, issue immediate bans from Xbox Live for the poor behavior, and send them a warning message that the bans will escalate unless they start exhibiting acceptable behavior.

I loved someone’s idea a few weeks ago when I started a thread about these idiots and that was to punish rammers by making their car a ghost for a few races bafore reverting it back.

Unfortunately all racing games always have and always will have dim witted idiots who want to spoil things for the rest of us but just know that when the lobby is closed and they have logged off, they go back to their own little world where they make little or no impact to the world around them and are no doubt forgotten just as I always seem to forget their names soon after they have forced me off the road.

Also there is a certain level of satisfaction to be had when I manage to veer out of the way in time and the rammer misses me and I watch in my rear view mirror as he crashes into the wall.


Its a sad but true fact, each game has its clowns on it! Deliberately using u as a brake/ turning into u etc. Just do the best u can with what u have. Report and block are there to use as u see fit!
i aint perfect, dont have abs, traction control or stability control on, so the margin for error increases! Locking a wheel or 4 does happen while trying a late outbraking manoeuvre, sometimes ur given room to run wide, so the other driver simply drives out of the corner ahead of u or, they turn in on u and they take it like u have ploughed into them without touching the brakes. U win some, u loose some. U will find a few people ur happy racing with and when u do, stick with em! Gets better then! :slight_smile:
Have fun!

It takes a little time, but as you race against those competitors who DO exhibit common sense, use Smart Glass to add them to your friends list. Over time you’ll build a group where you improve your chances of joining a decent public lobby race, or, get enough folks together to create a decent-sized private race. Myself and most of the conributors to this thread are looking for the same thing.

I had for a long time heard tales of the legions of crashers ruining multiplayer but eventually I went in to see for myself; to actively search for them. In dozens of races I found just one obviously deliberate crasher. One guy retaliated against the wrong player. All other crashes were clearly accidents. I’d go in to review replays thinking surely I’ve caught people in the act of deliberately crashing, only to determine that was not the case.