Steering oscillation

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Pls fix the steering oscillation. It’s not the wheel settings like some people suggested as solution. And no wheel needed so it’s not an Hardware thingy…

If it gets triggered the steering starts to oscillate. (Not touching the wheel/input there)

Here it is from old reports in FM7 and FH4

I was able to trigger it with some type of “hard braking” in both no idea how it got triggered in FH5.

Strange thing it “stays in the wheel”! Closed FH5 and wheel was still rotating left/right. Started FH5 again and it was doing same. Only triggering calibration of the wheel stopped it

Here from non wheel users (keyboard)

Here same user with video (skip to 2:30 in video) back then it looked like bug in assists but it’s all same oscillation (tried to reproduce with assists in 2021)

Here it was called “Idling Oscillation Bug” and some “dev” said (2017!!!)

We’re aware of this one. It’s surprisingly difficult to reproduce in house. I’ve only seen it by leaving my game/wheel idling for several days.

But it’s not an idle thing it can be triggered

There are more posts/threads can’t link all…