Today I was on the Forxa 6 demo racing Lime Rock in rivals. I noticed something weird with the steering. On the second turn the car would push out even though I didn’t lose traction. Is this a bug that Turn 10 has not identified? I have 8 videos of examples up on my activity feed if you’re interested in seeing what I’m talking about. I have the telemetry up so you can see that the tires are not breaking traction as I’m going around the second turn. In 7 of the 8 videos posted, only one time was I able to get around the turn correctly. Every time I encounter the issue with the steering, it was always in left hand turns. Is there any way to contact Tun 10 customer support or technical support to report this bug?
I noticed the same thing. Could it be a steering bug leftover from 5? I know in 5, the wheel straightened out much to quickly. Whatever the reason, I’m hoping it was fixed for the final build.
I had the same issue with Forza 5 that I am encountering here with the demo. It was not as pronounced with F5 though. When I asked about it in the forums, all the responces I recieved said I didnt know how to take a race line, needed to learn how to drive, or that my tunes were messed up is some way or another. I knew it was not the case.
I now have video evidence of the steering bug. I race with all assist off. Sim steering on. And no drive or breaking line. I did however turn on the full race line for the sole purpose of verifying that I was not exceeding the corner speed. And when I was trying to make the left hand turn in the video I was at full steering lock.
I would just like to know if T10 had a tech or customer support # or email addy to notify them of this.
Encountered it too. In forza horizon 2 I’m one of the best players in the world, I can keep anything straight and from spinning out. It’s not my driving that causes this steering bug that causes drifts and such to go out of control for no reason when I’m behaving exactly as I behave in fh2. Sure fm6 is supposed to be more realistic but it’s definitely not supposed to feel like this, always out of control when counter steering.
EDIT: I have read to use normal steering for the controller. I have always used no assists whatsoever on forza and I thought normal steering was assisted, but I guess it’s made for controller users. I’ll try this later today and see how it feels
EDIT: the problem was using simulation for steering which is meant for steering wheel users, using normal steering has totally fixed the problem and now there is no more spinning out for no reason and such, I now have total control of the car.
wow thank god i’m not the only one!
Guys I noticed there is basically no issue when I use third person but using hood view (my normal view in any racing game) I can’t get through the darned turn!
Thanks for posting this guy as I want to make sure its looked at. That being said lets keep the thread specific to this issue. When you go and say oh I had all these problems in Forza 5 it makes this thread not as clear and worthwhile. Thanks
No problems here.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about here. The control’s fine and cars respond as they should.
My only gripe is the cap on steering which won’t let you go past a certain angle depending on your speed. We should be able to set speed sensitivity levels and steering rack ratios by now. It’s high time.
I was told sim steering was for a wheel only the same as forza 5?
I noticed this in Horizon 2, most notably around the Sisteron hairpins, as mentioned above, the problem seems to be limited steering lock at certain speeds. I hold the analogue stick in the up position and when I want to turn I roll it smoothly around to the direction I want to go, if I let go and tap the stick (the more common way) the limited lock goes away.
Such humble people in this thread… turn off sim steering its for wheel users…
I’ve used sim steering with a controller since FM4. I find it more responsive.
I noticed the exact same behavior in cockpit view, no assists, no lines. But i soon as i put in 3rd person, I have no issues. Car sticks to the asphalt…
Are you talking about the rivals event with the Audi?
If so, that car understeers bad around those sections and there is little room for error. I had to put on sim steering to free it up a bit.
I use sim steering on a pad and have zero issues with it, I’m not understanding the problem
There seems to be some confusion here so I will do my best to clarify.
To start I would like to state that I am using a gamepad and not a wheel. I would also like to state that I eliminated my gamepad as the problem. I used 3 diferent gamepads to test this. The newest one being only 4 months old. Since I dont have a wheel I unsure is the effects are the same.
I am aware that the Audi used on the Lime Rock rivals event is an AWD car and it is normal tendency is to push. But a car should only push when you exceed the available grip on the front tires. This was not happenig. I had the telemetry on for viewing the traction circles. If the front circles are still green when your going around a turn, then your car should NOT push. My traction circles were still green and the car would push out of the first left hand turn on Lime Rock even though it shows I was only using 50% of the total available grip on the front tires.
I ask that you load up the Lime Rock rivals event. Turn on the telemetry by clicking up on the d-pad. Click the d-pad once to the right and there should be 4 green circles that represent the total available grip for each tire. It will also give you a percentage value. When you are in a turn, if the circle stays green and the percentage value stays below 100% you car should NOT push. If the circles on the front turn red and the percentage value is greater that 100% then the car SHOULD start to push. The greater the value above 100% the greater the push. Now as long as you take a good line and you do not exceed the available grip. You SHOULD be able to make the turn.
I am trying to show this is not happening. I am on a good race line, I am not going into the turn to fast, I am not exceeding the available levels of grip and still the car will push off the track. This is verified with telemetry. And i captured game clips.
I ask that you go to Lime Rock and try this for yourself. Turn on the telemetry and see this for yourself. It happens most often in the first left hand turn. If your traction circles are still green and your pushing out then you are experiencing the same problem that I am.
I am aware that this issue may not effect all gamepad users. Some bugs are like that. I am asking the members of the forum to run this “experiment” and then post thier results here.
I would also ask that you do this before posting your reply. This will help narrow down and clarify the problem being addressed.
were you also neutral throttle? Or were you accelerating. I found the AWD Audi would push every time I get on the gas too early. Not because of a loss of front grip but because of the default diff setting (which of course cannot be changed in the stock Audi.)
Just to clarify, you indicated also above this happens on all the left hand turns. There is only one left hand turn at Limerock (called appropriately the “left hander”).
Sorry - I didn’t try it yet but I will try to this evening. But I didn’t have any issue with the left hander running this event last night. But I was off the gas on the left hander providing some lift throttle oversteer. So I experienced the opposite in this corner. …I recall one of the BMW drivers in Tudor United Sports Car series saying that it’s best to late apex this corner to set up on the left and carry more speed through the next right hander and down no name straight.
In the meantime - if you can, run the career events again in a rear wheel drive car and let all the other cars get way ahead and see if you experience the same issue in a RWD. (of course RWD can also push if you have the accel diff set wrong but probably less likely)
I am not on the game but just throwing this out there, not sure if I’m right or not. There is a corner that has some negative banking around some of the corner. Perhaps this is getting your front wheels very light and pushing. The arrows may be arc angle related in the turns not speed so they then would not change color as you would be on the right apex just getting light hence less traction and it pushes. Just an idea???
The problem has been resolved. Aparently all 3 of the gamepads I have were not properly calibrated when they left the Microsoft factory. I had a couple friends run the Lime Rock rivals event and none of them were having this issue. I GOOGLE searched Calibrate Xbox One Controler and found out how to recalibrate the left thumb stick. Now all gamepads are working as they should. I have been dealing with this issue for 2 years now and all it took was a recalibration of the gamepads. Thank you Microsoft for selling me 3 products that were not calibrated correctly.
I honestly thought this was a bug in the physics or something else that calculated steering rates. Who would have thought all 3 gamepads I have would be poorly calibrated. This reason alone lead me to believe that there was a bug present in the game.
I would like to thank everyone for all your responces and all your feedback.
Would you mind posting the exact link you followed? I had 2 horrible 360 controllers in regards to sticks being way off and just got used to it, then I got my launch day X1 and the D-pad has been utter trash since the beginning. The left stick isn’t too bad yet, but I figure I might try this thing you found to see if it helps.
I’m am super nice to all of my controllers, discs, hardware and beyond so 99.9% sure it isn’t me breaking things. I also tried to get a better controller a few days after buying the console, but they wanted me to pack up the entire package just to exchange for a different controller…
RM KrypticKhaos - Well I’m surprised by your post a little. I ran the event again tonight but didn’t experience the understeer, but when looking at telemetry, I did notice when I lifted and got the car to over steer, the telemetry showed the front wheels breaking traction instead of the rears. Could the front and rears be reversed on telemetry screen? That could explain why you saw the fronts with plenty of traction when the car was actually pushing.
Here’s my video - sorry for the poor driving it was my first lap out!1053&cid=A80EBE0C5B3CD6CB&group=0&parId=A80EBE0C5B3CD6CB!108&o=OneUp