Tried googling and looking around
What time does game become playable on Oct 5?
Tried googling and looking around
What time does game become playable on Oct 5?
Ya it shows 8pm my time Oct 4th lol (est)
So game starts October 4th?
I’m guessing this isn’t a rolling release. It goes active for everyone at the same time. Local time will be different depending on time zone. The further west you go, the earlier the local time will be.
Ya I’m eastern time (3pm right now )
They said Oct 5 release and thought t10 was in California so 3 hours behind me
Still confused but based off that picture you posted will be Oct 4 for me but everything they say is Oct 5 I figured it was western cali time Oct 5 but guess not haha
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Forza Motorsport Preloads now live - “gone gold”
ti was like with starfield which came out 8PM EST the 31st of august instead of the 1st. Mine is saying 8PM the 4th
On Xbox says playable Oct 5 12am tho
Would love if a t10 official could 100% verify start time it’s still so unclear
Xbox says Oct 5
T10 says Oct 5
Count down timer says Oct 4
It releases for everyone at the same time. For most of the world it’s October 5th. For anyone west of Europe it’s October 4th.
Bump for someone from t10 to say something just give us a time for 1 time zone so we can all plan for launch
I just hope Steam Premium Edition owners will be able to play at the same time as MS store PE owners.
Found this
So guess game comes out Oct 4 8pm eastern time for most of us
Clarifying: the Forza Motorsport release time pattern will be similar to FH5. The reason some US players will see a release time on October 4th is that the game releases at midnight in the eastern-most time zone in each country: 9am PT & midnight ET at the same moment.
We’ll have a full announcement about the timing later this week.
do we know when exactly can we start playing the game. the timer in the xbox app shows we could play the game thursday 04.10.2023 at 2:00 in the morning (CEST UTC/GMT +2 hours) is that correct? wasnt it begin said that the game will release on 05.10.2023?
Was hoping to take a flight to New Zealand and play it earlier than Midnight…
It’s the same deal they did with Starfield. The game will “go live” at the same moment around the world - in most of the world it will be October 5 but in the Americas it will still be October 4.
With Starfield, it was 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific. I am assuming it’s the same with this game, although it may be one hour later based on information seen elsewhere in this thread.
But I thought Fh5 players were able to do the New Zealand trick? The Horizon launch was a local/mìdnight launch where everyone was able to play the game at their timezones 12am. A rolling release is what they called that. The Fh5 release was 12am all over the world which is why you could change location settings to play earlier.
Your first line contradicts your second because if Fm8 is anything like Fh5 then it will be a local release but your second line suggests that you think it’ll be a simultaneous release for everyone no matter what time zone they are in. Their local time zones might be different but the overall time is the same as everyone.
This is me changing my Xbox location from UK to New Zealand.
I don’t get it. If we thought that it is releasing at the same point in time all over the world then what does this mean? Someone please explain.
If Fm8 is released at the same time globally, why is it that when I changed my UK location to New Zealand, it says 12pm October 4th? UK releases at 12am October 5th so shouldn’t it say 12pm 5th October since NZ is 12 hours ahead of UK? This suggests that it’s a local release for each countries 12am? (12am all over the world.) This either implies that NZ is 12 hours behind me somehow or that in NZ is releasing at 12am 5th October and that my Xbox clock is running the UK timezone and it has excecuted the 12 hour time difference as normal back to 12pm October 4th??)
I am so confused. Maybe the MS store has glitched out?
Thanks all.