Honestly: I don´t think that´s gonna happen. It´d be way too complicated keeping players that don´t own the expansion away from the map…
I mean: Sure, I´d love having a real expansion of the map, but like I said, I am sceptical. However I could imagine a small free map expansion with one of the content updates since they said they´re gonna support Forza Horizon 4 for years, the map´s gonna change etc…
On the contrary, it will be very easy because there is no other way to access it than these 3 bridges. It’s actually the best configuration to make it happen.
Just put “road closed” signs on them
Like these :
I’m 100% sure there will be something behind these bridges, otherwise they wouldn’t put them for the sake of blocking the player who wants to cross them. Wouldn’t have built these useless bridges at all.
You know how many out of map glitches there are in FH3? Even if they technically close the bridge, people could just drive next to it. And how´s it gonna look in the shared open world? Or private online lobbies? Are the other cars just driving through the signs? Are there specific lobbies for people who have that expansion? That´s not how Horizon works.
I don’t see why not. Just look at the demo, you can drive off the area they allow for a ways, then it says sorry, can’t go there in the demo, and resets you.
Just think of the sales they’d get for those that have linked payment, they drive and it asks if they want to buy to proceed.
Nah, burnout paradise did it. if I remember those who didn’t buy could still go on the map expansion but that’s about it. those who bought it got the cars and events and what not.
Please can you elaborate on what exactly they said and where they said it? I’m still deliberating over which version to buy and when, and my decision would be affected if they’re going to break the 2 year cycle and support FH4 for longer, that would make me more inclined to pre-order the Ultimate Edition, whereas I struggle to justify the price of that for something that just fills in a 2 year gap with very similar games either side of it.
Agreed. I simply don´t like it when people say “100% sure” if nothing has been said by official sources. That makes people believe in things that could possibly not happen
and you know which bridge i’d drive across, regardless of vehicle… yes totally that orange bridge… I still remember the first time i saw pictures of it in a book, i was like 6. Its a very cool bridge and really needs to have more integration into the game!
Also the off road part of train racing is going to be frustrating! waiting for the crane to come up and put me back on the track and all lol