Expansion Pass?!

I’ve watched a video on YouTube of the full game and I’ve noticed an expansion pass for the game. This was seen in the pause menu. Do you guys really think there is an expansion pass coming? I hope so. Also, what type of expansions are you wishing for?

Could you provide a link to the video, please?

Might just be a different term for the car pack Season Pass.

It would be strange to already include an option like that into the menu.

Unless they are planning multiple Expansions and chose not to make them a part of the Car Pass.

Definitely wont be part of the car pass
It tells you exactlywhat you get in the car pass
6 car packs for the first 6 months…that’s all

Totally possible of course. Forza 6 had multiple expansions.

I would not doubt that there will be one or more expansions in FH3. After all, FH2 and FM6 had two expansions each.

I’ve found the video and the link is at the bottom. If you go to the 16:08 mark of the video, you’ll see ‘Forza Horizon 3 Expansion Pass’ labelled on the menu.

Wow nice find !

Aww, thank you so much!

I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t buy anything right away. It will all be heavily discounted through XboxLive at some point in the future. I can wait :slightly_smiling_face:

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well my first question if that’s true. Why in the world was that not in the ultimate edition ?? Exciting if discounted but not to happy already the ultimate edition is missing stuff…

of course we have no idea what that is yet

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Because it’s a $99 bundle and it’s the naming convention T10 likes to use even though it’s a bit outdated for the current DLC release business model.

Expecting handouts much?


Forza Horizon 3 Penultimate Edition … there fixed it.

This wasn’t an unexpected turn up as they’ve done it before but I do wish Turn 10 would name things appropriately. Calling it the “Ultimate Edition” when it quite clearly never was is somewhat misleading to the uninformed purchaser.

I’m guessing we’re getting the Forza Snow pack and the inevitable Porsche pack in this bundle :-s

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Ultimate does not mean complete. It means the best.

And strangely Penultimate means second last.

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First of all, NOWHERE was it advertised that the ultimate edition would cover expansions. I preordered the ultimate edition, yet I have no problem paying another $20 or whatever for an expansion. Apparently, you must think that the ultimate edition entitles you to everything, when T10 clearly states that it doesn’t. Good grief…


Haha, they won’t fool me twice. The Ultimate edition would be worth it with the expansion, but it is just a $15 discount with the Car Pass. Wow…

apparently i said i wanted it free somewhere in there…
No, what I said was it’s absent and missing from the ultimate edition. I will pay for it… I don’t want it FREE
My point was why wasn’t it in the ultimate edition if it’s right in the same section as the car pass. They clearly have an idea of something for it otherwise it wouldn’t be there.


Apologies if I upset you. As RPM Swerve said, maybe the name is a bit misleading. The term “ultimate” doesn’t mean complete anymore. I can see where you got confused, and again, I’m sorry.

Except it does, legally. I smell a class action lawsuit.


last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series:
the ultimate point in a journey; the ultimate style in hats.
maximum; decisive; conclusive:
the ultimate authority; the ultimate weapon.
highest; not subsidiary:
ultimate goal in life.
basic; fundamental; representing a limit beyond which further progress, as in investigation or analysis, is impossible:
the ultimate particle; ultimate principles.
final; total:
the ultimate consequences; the ultimate cost of a project.
not to be improved upon or surpassed; greatest; unsurpassed:
the ultimate vacation spot; the ultimate stupidity.
the final point; final result.
a fundamental fact or principle.
the best, greatest, or most extreme of its kind.

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