Spectator mode, great! With telemetry? Hmm

Spectator mode is back! Everyone’s excited about this as they should be. No more waiting in lobbies with no clue what’s going on in the race and nothing to entertain while you wait.

Now, the elephant in the room. Telemetry will be included in spectator mode (and probably replays+LB replays) of opponents which means you’ll be able to pull numbers off of cars, most notably build numbers such as power and torque. Now, I know this has been included in FM before and I know lots of people have never been happy since this brings on people copying builds/tunes/etc. instead of being creative with their own builds and figuring it out that way.

EDIT: I know lots of people who would like to see their own personal telemetry in the game, not necessarily everyone’s. Something like this would be nice, considering they were able to take out cockpit view in the past and present for opponents but it was still accessible in your own vehicle during the replay.

Personally, I have mixed feelings on this. Lots of tunes are uploaded to the sharefront/open sourced these days, including my own. Now, this being said, lots of the top LB tunes or other personal favourites from many people aren’t shared. Some folks may have a special build of a car they love which they have not shared that is fairly quick. All of a sudden, they might see lots of people start to run it because they saw it in a replay and figured out the numbers. In my case, I would be happy to see people running more cars they like regardless of if they downloaded my tune or saw it in a replay and built it themselves. Although that is the case, I also like people to find their own way and build their own creations, learning along the way.

Thoughts on this everyone?

It should not be included. Personally I don’t care myself but it should be up to each player if they want to share what they have done.


Free camber specs are back!!! Woot woot :smiley:

Anyone obsessed enough to reverse engineer a tuning setup would surely be able to just make it themselves anyway.


Exactly. The most you are ever going to really be able to ascertain from in game telemetry is HP/Trq, tire pressures, gearing to an extent, and static alignment anyway.

Spring rates/Damper rates/sway bars/Areo/LSD will still have to be figured out on your own, and those are the ones that make the biggest differences.


Build is 90% of forza tunes. so HP/torque gives you the build.
From that you can derive the gearing.
Aero is easy to figure out.
Suspension etc is always the same across the games, wacky figures arent just going to change seeing as we can “transfer” tunes.

Don will be happy, those that spend hours tuning the oddball cars, will not. Thats why a lot of people were happy to see that feature removed from 5. Sucks that its back personally.

There are no secret tunes or builds. Top 10 drivers should take credit for their accomplishment.

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That was also a point i was going to make. No tune in the world is gonna help you if you’re a bad driver.


Yep, very true.

Addition: EDIT: I know lots of people who would like to see their own personal telemetry in the game, not necessarily everyone’s. Something like this would be nice, considering they were able to take out cockpit view in the past and present for opponents but it was still accessible in your own vehicle during the replay.

The only problem I might have with it is if people can take ones creation, copy it, and post it to the storefront/auction house or whatever system we might have and get credit themselves rather than the person who originally created it. I didn’t tune in other FMs so I don’t know if that’s what the complaints were about, but I could see their point if so. Otherwise, I think most of us share our stuff pretty freely anyways.

Personal Telemetry in replays would be ideal.

The OP is worrying about copying, but if you read my other post you’ll see that actually copying someones tune through the telemetry is pretty much impossible. You can get about %50 there by studying the telemetry and looking at the cars and what parts are on it visually. (Roll cage, Tire compound, bodykit/areo/ ect.)

But the things that REALLY make a tune like the spring/damper rates aren’t shown, and will have to be figured out on your own.

edit: As for getting credit for a tune.
There is no auction house. It’s just like 5 where you can search a tune by a particular creator, but don’t have to pay to use it.

The people who want leader board tunes will look for the people at the top of the leader board for the tunes they uploaded. Not some random person.

“In my case, I would be happy to see people running more cars they like regardless of if they downloaded my tune or saw it in a replay and built it themselves. Although that is the case, I also like people to find their own way and build their own creations, learning along the way.”

Careful :slight_smile: raceCat. Just arising the topic, my opinion is as stated.

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Well thats how I learned. Sure I picked up some tips along the way from friends and all but I like my tunes to be my own. I always fell I’m a faster, cleaner driver when I’m comfortable with the tune and if theres something I don’t like about the tune, it will put me off driving the car until it’s fixed.

Then I don’t see much of an issue personally. I might be speaking out of school since I didn’t really tune in previous games, but wasn’t there strong opposition to telemetry in replays which is why it was removed in FM5? What was the opposition about?

IIRC The opposition was because we didn’t have it in 5 during replays. Especially in the drifting community, because we don’t allow positive camber, and without telemetry we have to take peoples word that they aren’t cheating.

Obviously we are not on the same page. Since you are not even willing to acknowledge any issues tuners had with the telemetry system in previous games (see the OP above) you lose credibility. Maybe there are different considerations between drifting tunes and race tunes and you were only concerned with the aspect of the game you enjoy so you didn’t notice others frustrations. As T Rex just stated above, one of the best tuners had issues and seemed to think people were able do more than what you believe. I will let you guys debate on what can and can’t be copied/purged from telemetry data, just providing my thoughts to the OP question.

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I know Worm was glad they were taken out,he knew what people could do with telemetry.

There’s definitely more than most know if you know what to look for.

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This is true. Watch and see. The accusations and so forth will be abundant. A lot of the older tuners and Forza players have seen this all play out many times.