Some complaints (No ranting)


I startet playing FH4 yesterday on my Xbox One and I have some Troubles with it.

First off I had problems with missing Textures and abruptly stopping cars (Maybe a loading or Streaming issue). Then the game crashed while i was doing Nothing ( I was Looking on my phone).

Then i played some of those Season Championships/tournaments against expert drivatars for some super wheelspins (I come to that later).

The expert drivatars where acting a bit strange and sometimes where way ahead of everyone. When that happened I noticed, that walls, they had to drive through, had no holess in them.
I assume, that my xbox had not loaded the walls yet, because i did not “see” them. I was askin myself, if the drivatars in front did not even have to drive through them (what would cause a loss in Speed).

Now the reason i was trying to “farm” super wheelspins.

I really wanted to drive the Napalm nova. I can buy all hoonigan cars in the market but not that one specific car. All i get is Horns and clothes. And not even normal clothes.
I was so “lucky” that i got glittery clothes and stuff, but not one normal cargopants (which should be com,mon, as the Napalm nove should be common).

Now I played the game for quite some time, did three live forzathons and stopped.
I am a singleplayer and since I cannot drive the car I want, I start up the game and don’t know what to do. The only Thing, I can do now is to farm for more wheelspins or hope someone sells the car in the auctions house for 10.000.000 CR.

In FH3 I was disappointed when the wheelspin just gave me 10000 CR. The wheelspin was just an extra income in CR (for which I can buy 90% of the cars or cars I could buy with CR)
In FH4 I wwould be happy About it and the wheelspins are necessary to get all the clothes and some of the cars.

I feel like I don’t even have to try to drive good. I know it is an arcade game but this time, I feel, it went too far. The cars are handled so easily.

The Radio.
You made it possible to switch between some Control schemes and Change some button assignments.
Why can’t I Change it, so that “LEFT” on the D-Pad is going back in the Station list, like in FH3?

And why is there no Metal Station. The game is set in Britain. Britain is basically the source of heavy metal. I know that metal has not the biggest audience, but still. It is part of Britain.
I also feel like XS and timeless have less to offer than Epitaph or timeless in FH3. But thats just a Feeling.

To end on a good note. The game Looks good, has many cars, lots of Options and did not crash for quite some time now.

Sorry for the random capital letters, mistakes and stuff. English is not my mothers tongue.


Hello, I am an extremely active Forza Horizon fan and was hoping someone could evaluate a few troubled pieces of the game.
Engine sounds and SFX can get fairly choppy and sometimes stops working all together. Game crashes with almost half of rewinds
The next problem is at the loading screens for events, the music continues to play. Its fairly irritating when players are already listening to their music choice, when that person joins an event or race, 2 songs get forced over each other. This is an issue which not just myself has ran into.
The third problem is how difficult it is to follow other players, and/or see their Creative Hub Library. Fixing this would promote more players using what the community is sharing. Also, adding a featured tuners/painters page for the welcome back page would be helpful to the creators, and those who cannot or doesnt know how.
Lastly, I was making a design on a car and was getting ready to get off so I had to save the design, but I was not done, I figured that wouldnt have mattered. I hopped on FH4 this morning to finish said design and tried sharing it, the share option did not appear, despite my trying 6 more times, trying a new save file, deleting the original file, re-applying some more decals, but eith no success.
I hope that these issues are at least looked at, I am not sure if these problems will be addressed, but I can guarantee this game would be a way more pleasant playing experience. My gamertag is BOSSIEST 2NR

While playing Forza Horizon 4 we would be playing a #FORZATHON LIVE event and it decides to kick me off in the middle of the events and causes us to lose our points. It will also kick me off while I’m just trying to do danger signs and speed traps/zones. Also there is a glitch where you would be going 200-225mph and it will just completely stop for no apparent reason. If you want us to play your games your updates can’t kill it for us

Hello there, im playing forza hoeizon 4 as soon as it launched. My problem is that every time i change a car, the server pops out ( getting disconected) that also happens if im playing forzathon live. Please fix! I love the forza games but please fix those servers…

This is in regard to Drift Adventure. The points system for leveling up is horrendous, at best. I know that I’m not the only one that has won all 3 circuits for a whopping 0 points. Come on. Plus, when people quit, the ones that stay get punished. The points that the “early quitters” get penalized should be evenly distributed across the remaining field that sticks it out. Fix the damn disconnects! Add new circuits, already! Expand Drift Adventure to the other expansions. Now, back to the horrid leveling up system: AT LEAST 1st and 2nd place should get positive points, 3rd place could be positive or 0, with negative points following. Fix all of that, and I’m happy.

For all issues and bugs, don’t forget to submit a ticket to our support site as the forums aren’t for that.

  1. We are aware there are sometimes streaming issues when you go a certain speed in specific cars
  2. If you have a video capture of this, please submit a ticket and attach the video so our support team can look into it.
  3. If you’re wanting to win/earn a specific car, best thing to do is race and it’ll give you CR at the end.
  4. You may have to define this. If you’re referring to the game being to easy, you can change the drivatars to “unbeatable”
  5. We have a variety of stations, but you should submit your feedback regarding the type of genre music you’d like via our support site > feedback & suggestions

Hope this helps!

Hey Retro,

Op was a year ago

Hey you,
Someone posted 2 hours ago.