Suggestions/ an issue I'm having

Horizon 4 wheelspin

Please please please take clothing items out if the wheelspins, this is a super wheelspin I just got. It would be nice to have a separate store where you can buy certain clothing items if you’d like. (Hopefully you can see the photo) (if not, i won a cowboy hat, camo joggers, and shark boots, in 1 super wheelspin. With 2 legendary Ferrari’s right under, and money right above) it sure made me laugh in pain!

Horns and emotes can stay in the wheelspins. But I’m winning clothing items I would never even use. Like ever!

The other issue is the audio of the game has been getting worse and worse. Especially if I use my rewind. The audio will freeze, so it’s either silent, or a bunch of random noises going off at the same time for a good 30 seconds, sometimes it lasts minutes. I had to quit my game and restart just to get the audio to work again.

So if that could be fixed I’d be very greatful, been playing horizon since horizon #1, easily my favorite series, and I hope you guys can improve on it. I’ve already spent 72 hours in this game because I love it and can’t stop playing.
