Wheelspins in this game are huge 12yo grabbing disappointment. I want to race cars not and unlock cars not get stupid meaningless clothes and dances COME ON MAN how pathetic is forza getting from hardcore racer to fortnight style gameplay IN A CAR GAME. If this stuff stays in this will be my last forza and im a long term forza player tnx turn 10 for singling me out thank you very much. Just let us purchase the meaningless stuff instead of FORCING it on us.
Watch some mixer streams, people like them. I enjoy collectables so I like them too.
First of all, you didn’t mention car horns. But, I do kinda agree with replacing the horns, dances, and clothes wirh credits and cars. However, I don’t think that they should remove these cosmetics as the developers took a new direction by adding the character/car customizations. I’d be fine if we had to buy them instead, depending on its rarity level. Overall, Playground Games & Turn 10 Srudios did a decent job implementing this new feature.
I agree 1000%. They take away online racing hoppers and give us this junk! Fail after fail. I’ll never buy another Forza game!
For every person who leaves because of the clothing, 100 will replace them.
And we’ll end up with a garbage franchise that has nothing to do with cars and driving anymore.
Don’t panic, Chicken Little, it was just an acorn.
They’re part of the game now. I don’t think they’re going anywhere. Some people like them. Some people don’t care. And that’s OK. Some people hate them, and I guess that’s OK too. And if it’s any consolation, once you collect the useless items, they’re removed from the wheelspin, so the wheelspin gets less and less populated with filler. But I don’t see them removing the customization items from the wheelspins, or the game as a whole anytime soon, so you might as well learn to live with them.
I’m not a fan of the clothes and etc. either. However, there is no reason to whine about it. This game hands out credits and cars like it is nothing. If that means getting some junk (i.e. clothes/emotes) every now and then, then I’m okay with it.
If that stuff were taken out, then we would see posts about “I’ve got all the cars and everything else already from wheelspins…can we have something else? What next? What do I grind for?”
But to add to the stuff to take out, I’d like to include the 2000 credit reward.

But to add to the stuff to take out, I’d like to include the 2000 credit reward.
Indeed. The Wheelspins have always been awful, and a major reason for that is any “reward” that is worth less than what it took to get it isn’t rewarding at all.
Thats why i didn’t get it lol…it’s too mainstream/arcade for me now but this is what it has become sigh…
So you want them to remove clothes and add 1k/2k/5k cr prizes?
I like them, its better than low cr prizes for sure.
This is why I don’t like the wheelspin system. I hate it when things are restricted behind pure luck of the draw.
there’s too many wheelspins. you get them for hardly doing anything
they had to put something in them
they would need to reduce them if they removed all the clothes and other garbage
Nobody is forcing it on us. You also have an option not to use any of them and just stay with the default character looks. Only place the game forces anything to you, are the loading screens, where you have to watch your character and car. I personally prefer watching my silly character and car, instead of same loading screens over and over and over and over…
Horizon has never been a hardcore racing game. Even Motorsport isn’t a hardcore in its true sense (compared to other more sim type racing games; even GT Sport is currently more hardcore than FM7 and it has nothing to do with driver gear).
To be honest, now I’m at level 600 or something like that, I don’t get clothes etc all that often, maybe 1 in 4 wheelspins. And at least they’re usually a new item. What is becoming really annoying is the endless duplicate cheap cars. If I farmed skill points to get the wheelspins from each one before deleting them, it would take up the entirety of my time playing the game, and I didn’t buy a driving game just to drift up and down an airstrip smashing into things for hours every day.
Please search for a similar topic to voice your opinions in before creating your own. Thanks.