Seeking advice

I hate using the microsoft wireless speed wheel but its all I have for a while. The brake trigger is so sensitive I have to turn my brake pressure down to 60% just to be comfortable and never lock up the brakes. I wanna use some tunes from the market place but I can’t adjust the brake settings. Does anyone have any suggestions…aside from the obvious of getting a Fanatec wheel and pedals?

Go to your controller options, press X (I think) to go to advanced options, and set your braking dead zones to 0 and 100. That will allow the entire range of your pedal to be used, and that means a given amount of pressure on the pedal will deliver the least amount of braking force that the game will allow. It’s more precise, but it will take some getting used to. I’ve also heard that people can calibrate their wheels using some sort of software, but I’m a controller user so I can’t offer advice there. Just give the dead zones a shot, and turn the others to 0 and 100 while you’re at it for the same principle. The exception is the clutch, where a common and effective value is 0 and 20.

Well unfortunately the Wireless Speed Wheel is the uber cheap one thats under $30. That being said I don’t use a clutch since I don’t have pedals. Nor do I think I can use pedals with the wireless speed wheel. Here is a link to the wheel that I use: A current unrealistic dream here, but I really wish someone had a spare Fanatec Wheel…or even the old Microsoft Wireless FF wheel with pedals that they would be willing to give me. But I know those are expensive so I will just have to wait until I don’t have to spend $250 a week on diapers and baby formula haha.

You could use the open source tunes on here and adjust the brake settings to your preference, also check the legacy forums . It might take a little time and research on your part but I know there are a lot of open source tunes hidden in the TM.

Thanks for the link deeps again. It may take me a couple of months to find what im looking for…and hopefully by the time i find it i will have had enough practice screwing up my own tunes that i might actually become decent at it haha. I only get for about 30 minutes a night so it will take some time,

Btw Deeps Again, I found a lot of great tunes that i am going to try as well as great advice on how to make my tunes better. And i will be releasing my first tune hopefully before Haloween. Once again thanks for the link!

Glad to hear it helped good luck on your tune

Thanks, so far I’ve managed to do everything wrong on my tune…which means I can only improve haha. I was flipping through the legacy forums and I gotta say man, I saw your name pop up a lot!

I’ve never considered myself to be great at tuning, I’ve had a few success’s. Operator1,HMR Motorhead,The Bulin wall5 ,ECT loco UBoG , Reaper mech, gtFOOTw,PTG Holty,rosny, XMT SCH1WO & Craviator
are names to search for. I know there are others that I probably forgot ,but those come to mind.