This is the second day in a row that i have not been able to connect to any of Forza 5 online services on Xbox One. I have checked everything i can think of outside dong a factory reset. I have a hard wired connection, NAT type moderate, reset the router for 30 seconds, and unplugged the xbox one from the wall for 30 seconds. I have tested the connection using the xbox one system tools, states everything is good. Connection is 83/40. The weird thing is i do get messages. Yesterday i got 10 messages in a row all of a sudden and today I received an update for an car pack. But every time i try to go to multiplayer it states “Feature Unavailable: This feature has been temporarily disabled”. Im out of options. I have had no issues why any other game or services, only Forza. Any suggests would be great.
Multiplayer was working fine for me yesterday evening. Must be something on your side. Banned?
I doubt i am banned. I havent played the game in a month an half. And i would have no reason to be banned. I dont crash into cars and i havent made any car designs that would have me banned. How can you even tell if you were banned in the first place?
Edit: I looked up about getting banned. I have never received any messages that states i was banned. I have no other issues with any other games.
So i contacted MS chat support. I told them all the steps i took which are listed in the first post. They suggested to uninstall the game then reinstall. But before i did that they have me clear out some settings.
“Alright. Before you do the uninstall, please go to Settings>Network>Advance Settings>Alternate Mac address>Clear>Restart. After that, go to Settings>Disc & Blu-ray>Persistent Storage>Clear Persistent Storage. Uninstall the game. On the console, place your finger on the Xbox button for 15 seconds. Rest it out for 5 minutes. Reinstall the game. By the way, I’ve encountered this type of issue, and reinstalling the game usually works.”
I asked would i lost all my progress. I have like 3.5 million the credits, im little worried about losing them. They said i would not since everything is synced to my account. Ill update after i have reinstalled the game.
Please read this information: Xbox Support Generally a “moderate” setting is iffy on Xbox LIVE, and you can obtain an OPEN setting by following the Xbox Support instructions.
So i my ports are forwarded and my NAT type is Open now.
Did you get the content update?
Are you talking about Road America. Yes i got that.
So now i have fully reinstalled the game, same exact issue. “Feature Unavailable: This feature has been temporarily disabled”. Any my NAT type is also open now after forwarding them . I have no idea what is going on. Im to tired to contact MS again tonight. I will contact them tomorrow. Its only this game though. I see they are now pushing out the Xbox One update tonight so maybe thats my issues. Ill try again in the AM. Ill update again once i try it.
Good, one situation corrected at least. Now, it could just be the update pending, if you haven’t received it yet
Can you just confirm that it was working a few days ago but then stopped working?
Did anything change or anything unusual happen then eg did your xbox crash or anything like that.
I haven’t played it in over a month. So i fired it up 2 days ago to play and could not connect to any of their online services for Forza. And today still cannot connect. TG Wormburner stated i could be missing an update. No crash that i’m am aware of. Other games are working fine.
Wait, don’t do anything above or anything else.
Have you installed the latest update from today. It appears your problem is not having the latest game update that includes the newest DLC, not Road America. Not a purchase but you should still be pushed the update.
Is this correct? That it hasn’t asked you to do the update today?
So i checked it this morning. I got pushed the newest Xbox One update. Still did not fix the issue. As for an Forza update, i really dont know, i dont think i have been pushed any update for Forza only. Its been awhile since i played Forza. Its been well over a month since i last played.
There is a new update that rolled out yesterday for the game to enable you to see the cars from the new car pack. That’s the one Worm is talking about. Have you got that one?
Edit: I just put the game in and it required me to finish the update before I could start it. Once it update and I started the game, I was able to get into Multiplayer just fine.
Actually yea i got that yesterday. Didn’t help. After that i contacted MS support and they said to uninstall and reinstall the game which still didnt fix it.