Hi…I have been trying to access multiplayer for days and it just says is unavailable.
My settings are fine and I can play other multiplayer games no problem, it is just forza 5.
I am in the UK and get Virgin media BB, which ive read maybe the issue. This problem as only existed for a few months and have had hours of non interrupted online play before. I have the same modem which is a superhub.
Can anyone please help…really love the game but this is so annoying.
btw I have been using wireless cause my modem is in a different room, but i have even purchased a wireless extender which i have put right by my xbox and this gave me a perfect 100% signal but still no connection. So I put a ethernet cable into the Extender and connected it too the xbox, ran all the checks which come up fine but still cant connect to forza 5 multiplayer.
I can play Career mode fine and sometimes rival…I can see all the leaderboards ok. Its just multiplayer…as soon as i click on there it says “Please Wait” then “multiplayer is unavailable, please try later” Wont even let me get into the first screen and try and join a session.
I have rebooted my xbox several times the way you say and also taking the lead out waiting 2 mins then watching for the orange light on the brick then press the on button…still the same.
All network tests say its fine…ive tried wired and wireless… Can play battlefield and watchdogs online ok…just forza…and its really annoying cause ive only ever had playstations before and am seriously consideraing going back but I love Forza so much, brought all the cars and VIP.
think ive fou d a temp fix…when i checked multiplayer connections, after it came back saying everything is ok…i held down all the triggers on the controller which took me onto another screen.
The Nat was saying (…) but after about 30 secs it went to “Nat is behind a cone” and when i went back into multiplayer it worked…everything was fine…I had 3 races no glitches.
but i then ended the game went out and tried again about an hour later and was back to the same trouble when trying to get into multiplayer…so i did the check on multiplayer repeating the above steps and i it worked fine again…What is going on…any ideas please
Do you have any other devices connected to the internet? If so simply for test purposes turn them all off, even a cell phone.
Turn off your console via holding the power button for 5 secs. Leave it off. Reboot your router and wait 5 mins. Start your console and go into fm5 do not do the network test trick. See if it works.
Hello, Im having problems with multiplayer too. My problem is that everytime I tried to join a session it said unable to join session. I can enter multiplayer, then click on search match, and it said you wanna join a session? I click yes, and then unable to join session.
I have tried everything too, open NAT, wired, wireless, IPSec enabled.
The only way I can connect is by connecting to my neighbors wifi, which is shit. And I have been able to play, but with lag. That tells me that it does not matter how fast is your connection, because like I said I can connect with my neighbors wifi which is really slow.
Serious question - do you know if your neighbour has an Xbox? Is it possible they have ports forwarded and you don’t for example. It proves there is something wrong with your conneciton somehow.
No he does not have an xbox. I also tried the port forwarding and nothing. I have in my house a modem connected to a router. And I tried connecting the xbox direct to the modem. Without router and nothing. Still the same problem. I even tried with a different modem and nothing. I really dont know what to do. And I love forza. its so sad. Please is somebody can help me or have any idea at all, dont matter how stupid it sounds. I apprecciate it.
I have heard of one person having success by asking their ISP to do a full reset of their connection. I think it had to be offline for around 20 minutes. Given that your neighbours connection works and yours does not then there is definitely something with your connection that is not right.
Maybe if I reset my router with the button in the back of the router. I havent tried that. But I dont think is the router that is causing the problem, because like I said I connected the xbox directly to the modem without router. I even tried a different modem. Maybe is a problem with my connection directly like you said,
Your modem + your router
Another modem + your router
Your modem
Do I have that list right? If so it looks like it is something to do with your ISP because the 3 combinations that do not work only have your ISP in common.
I’m on Virgin media too. One thing they do and not mention is send auto updates to the routers. This is why your connection can suddenly break for no reason. Happened to me twice. Plus the Superhubs are horrible pieces of crap. I’ve never had so many problems with a router ever. I have to keep having them replaced when the wifi dies and they refuse to authenticate. But my Xboxes are wired and wireless and all work fine. We have a pretty good connection here during the day, but in the evening it suffers when everyone comes home from work.
Check you’re not connecting at really busy times, and if you are, then complain to your ISP. Other people should not affect your ability to game online. But they will do because of the way ISP’s share their connections between customers. You only need a couple of idiots downloading films non stop nearby to choke the connection.
I fixed the problem, what I did was login in my ISP web page, sign in with my user and password, and in the options it was 1 called PROTECTION. It was actived by default, so I turned it off and it solved my problem.
I guess it was an option that my ISP provides for some kind of protection, its like the firewall in router configuration.
If anyone needs help or have a question this is my gamertag : RafaA07