RTGI on menus and replays

I would love to see full RTGI implemented on replays like gran Turismo at 30fps and in menus like home screen and painting or creating liveries.

I’ve read that long time ago :rofl:

Then why did you made this topic?

Because I want full RTGI 4K on replays like GT7 and not low resolution RTGI.

Hello @PortelaNinja . RTGI is officially confirmed for update 15.0 . Coming December 9th.

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I’m happy to know this but at the same time a little let down that Xbox doesn’t get it. Just wishing for them to fix at least more and more the graphics!
But let’s hope them continue the good work.

RTGI is too heavy for GPU.

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Indiana Jones runs 1800p at 60fps with Ray tracing! ForzaTech can also do it i know. It needs devoted people. The Xbox can do it.

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Forza Motorsport already utilizes ray tracing.
In performance RT & Quality modes, FM uses RTAO & RTR. Adding RTGI will push the GPU beyond limits!
Although, 10th gen consoles might be able to run multiple RT techniques at once.
And yes, ray tracing has multiple forms:
RTR: ray tracing reflections
RTAO: ray tracing ambient occlusion
RTS: ray tracing shadows
RTGI: ray tracing global illumination

Indiana runs RTGI. I believe Forza can run it also. Put the right people in. The right developers and the right tools they make it happen


Just RTGI?

I think it’s the most accurate no ?

Well, FM is using RTR & RTAO on XSX.
Adding RTGI alongside RTR & RTAO requires lots of optimization!
Or, disabled RTR?

People complain about ray tracing and when they do they refer to RTGI Wich is the most accurate.

It would be better to disable rtao, if the rtgi is high quality then it will leave dark areas dark and look just as good as rtao.

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