Nvidia driver - support for RTGI in Forza

Check out the new Nvidia driver:
“additionally, there are also optimizations and support for Forza Motorsport’s next update, which introduces immersive Ray-Traced Global Illumination lighting”


Let’s goooooooooooooo

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*This PC-only upgrade



It looks beautiful! :grin::1st_place_medal:


Those tree roots and branches at Bathurst… :heart_eyes:


Now i can’t wait anymore! I want update 15.0 RIGHT NOW! :smiling_face_with_tear::sob:



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Here is the link for details on the drivers and more screenshots:


Guessing my 7900XTX isn’t going to enjoy this?

I’d love to have the VRam your 7900xtx has. I’m on a RTX 3080.


These are also just PR not more.
Its the same lie as the presentation “screenshots” from the release…

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It looks legit to me. They already had working RTGI for quite some time iirc. Maybe it had some bugs that needed fixing and it took this long. I think in a livestream the game already looked much better than the version we got today. Maybe it had something to do with the real time day and night cycle and they could only use it with the time staying still or something. All we can do is speculate why we get RTGI now and didn’t get it shortly after release.

Well these are my 2 cents about the RTGI situation.

Although I seriously doubt I’ll be running it with my current configuration, I am very intrested to see how the update will look on my gear. Like when I wanted to run the game at Ultra and get 60 FPS, I’ll turn Nvidia Surround off just to check it out.

After that, I’ll see what I can get away with while running the game in triple screen. If I can’t use RTGI, then so be it.

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I read they also made some cpu usage tweaks along the way to this update. It seems to have made the difference because I use the full RTGI settings at 4k and my cpu is not struggling anymore, running roughly 70%. Forcing it a couple months ago with the cfg files trick it would push my cpu into the high 90’s usage wise. The only thing I did after this update was use process lass to turn of my fake cores(e-cores) Seems to be super smooth running bathurst, not one hiccup around the whole circuit. I only need 60fps/4k/hdr to make me happy and it seems easy to achieve now, good job finally looking at core usage turn10.

I can get it to run in Triple screen at high settings with some compromises on Track detail, liveries, windshield reflections and motion blur but, I can only get 60 fps with DLSS Performance on. The result is not the sharpest, and the 1% lows are regularly dipping into the low 40FPS range. The RTX 3080 with a R5 3600 is not suited for Forza’s RT & RTGI demands at 5760 x 1080.

Now if I were to set the game to 1920 x 1080. I can run High across the board, RTGI, Unlocked FPS and TAA. All while hovering around 110FPS. But 16:9… Not my favorite with 48:9 as an option.