Rewind removed while in race

This has happened numerous times where I have Rewind enabled but sometimes I do not use it at all in a race. Then I get near the end of the last lap on a race and I mess up and when I try to rewind, it’s not there. I know I have it enabled since I’ll tap cars and it will say “Press Y to Rewind”, yet that does not come up at the end when I mess up majorly.

Is that a coding T10 did or is it a bug? I just think it’s cheap. Instead of getting 1st I actually get 5th

Anyone else experience this too?

Seems to be coding, where rewind is disabled in the last sector of the last lap of a race.

I’ve lost some places due to messing up on the final corner. Solution: don’t mess up on the final corner. :wink:

IMO, the rewind button is like cheating. Its great for figuring out problem areas, but if you finished 5th, you finished 5th. Race in some online lobbies and you lose rewind all together, like it should be. Work on getting yourself to the point that you don’t need rewind and you’ll be a much better driver. Just my two cents…

If it’s not the last sector of the last lap, as Max suggests, then I believe the case is: As soon as a Drivatar crosses the line, rewind no longer functions.

  • Don Ente