Rewind bug/glitch?

Ok so I was doing the Nascar series races and was on one of the Road tracks, the middle of the series race.

I was in 7th and trying to catch up to 6th who was about 8 cars ahead of me. I screwed up a series of turns and got a little frustrated so I hit rewind several times so I was back before that series of turns.

When I resumed play from my chosen point, cars 6th through 2nd all went skidding off track at the same angle allowing me to literally go from 7th to 2nd in a few seconds. 1st place however was not affected.

Has anyone encountered this before? I tried replicating this on other races but was not able to do so.

I’ve noticed similar glitches. Often when I rewind into a pack of vehicles it seems like the AI forgets I’m there and follows new lines directly into me. I’ve seen them crash as you’ve described fairly often as well.

The rewind seems to mess with the AI’s sense of position on the track.

  • Polish
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You can encounter this since FM4. Mainly because rewind doesnt realy rewind back, it rather reverses the direction of the cars. If you look closely this produces some minor bug e.g. the brakes keep glowing although you rewind past your initial braking point.

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I have this problem regularly. in my case, I sometimes lose more time than I think necessary when rammed by the other AI, so sometimes rewind, and have found, especially with the cars in front, if one goes off after you continue after the rewind, the lead car goes off the track, then at least the next 5 follow suit, even if they were behind me by quite a margin.

This is definitely a bug and can be annoying when you want to perfect a couple of turns, then suddenly at least half of the cars go off the track, all of them following the line of the lead car, no matter how many times you rewind from that point, all the cars in a close proximity to the lead car, will follow suit.

Makes the rest of the race a bit pointless. I suppose, people will say you then shouldn’t use the rewind feature, well remove it then.

The AI try to stick to the racing line, if they are off it even if they can make the corner etc. they will suddenly turn to get back onto it causing wrecks. A bug that hasn’t been fixed for years in the forza series.