Strange AI driver bug after replay

Hi everyone,

I noticed a strange AI bug that is quite easy to reproduce. Basically what happens is that the AI cars start spread out, and later on in the race, all merge together into single file. If you rewind early on in the race and resume, they immediately stop what they are doing and go into single file. Even if it is at the beginning of the race. So, their behaviour instantly changes after rewind.

Start a new race in campaign (not sure about free play) in which you are in the middle of the pack
Start driving forward once the lights turn green (obviously)
At this point, the cars will be fairly spread out over the field.
You will not be able to use rewind yet.
Just before the first corner (depending on the length of the straight), hit rewind
Resume again
Watch all of the cars magically swerve into single file

I haven’t noticed this yet, but I’ve noticed some other odd things.

A few times when I use rewind the rewind animation stops working, and it’s just a short load screen. Sometimes after this happens the AI close to me just breaks, and physics freak out. One time this happened three cars in front me all crashed. One flipped end over end. The other two acted like they had just landed after a large jump, lost control, slid sideways, and rolled. 2 of the cars just sat where they landed for the next 3 laps. One car got back in the race, but the map icon for it was stuck as that of a crashed car.

There have a been a few other things I noticed when using rewind that I haven’t seen often enough to try and explain.