Retrain Drivatar

Can the drivatar be retrained, when I got the game I didn’t have a wheel, now I do have a wheel
and would like to retrain my sloppy drivatar.

You just have to drive your drivatar is learning from your driving !

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Drivatars are constantly updating your data. As you go around the tracks with your wheel, you will be resetting the data for each one.

I’ve not found the drivatars mimic your driving style anyways, there are a few of us that race on forza a couple are synchronised to 85% the rest are around 60-70 and none of our drivatars drive anything like we do.

This 100% correct. Drivatars have nothing to do with our driving style. Don’t believe me? Try running a 10 lap race on Indy oval with the drivatars set to unbeatable and see what an "unbeatable "drivatar does when it get stuck behind a slower car. In theory it is a great idea but in reality it is well just short of a cruel joke. I’m sad to see that they can not figure out how to collect the right data to make the second to hardest drivatar setting actually work. I’m sure that expert drivers do not slow down to take a corner that can be taken at full speed even with the worst tuned car. Nice try guys but in the end still a joke. I sure do miss racing the old forza AI.


Agreed on both points. I am still working through career mode from time to time, and a lot of people on my friends list show up in my races. Following some of them through the circuits, I will end up bumping into them a lot because the throw out the anchor on sweeping bends and gentle turns where in real life, people either lift or just stay on throttle.

At least the AI in the previous games were predictable.

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Actually, the drivatars were a little more accurate to our driving but after numerous complaints regarding the drivatar, Turn 10 released an update changing drivatar behaviour. This update took away some of their “originality” (for lack of a better word) and caused them to mimick users less by reverting a portion of their behaviour to the way the AI drove in past titles.

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Nope even before the update the drivatars didn’t mimic a players style they were just all over the place.

Hello, i have a big problem with the installation of the new add-on "renault spark f1 electric, someone can help me???


i have a big problem with the installation of the new aadd-on “renault f1 spark electric” someone can help me???


Not the right place for this. Try starting your own thread or seeing if there is a related thread already going. Don’t hijack someone else’s thread, you won’t get much of a response.

Drivatars are nothing like the real life drivers, I have Darin from ISR in my races and he’s like a maniac constantly trying to take me out and the AI and he’s pretty hopeless and usually comes 2nd last.Now i know he’s nothing like his Drivatar so they defo do not mimic our driving.

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You have to reset your gamesave if you want to retrain your Drivatar.

The drivatar seems to want flat out whenever possible, only braking when entering a turn. However brakes late every time. I run Le Mans 24 hours alot aslnd some turns require early braking. I cant really drive in the new motorsport due to physics being weird handing is always understeer and the manual clutch is horrible. I mostly handle the transmission and somerimes braking but most the steering is ai controlled. However i find the ai drivatar will tey and hold the racing line no matter what is in its way. So the theory earlier of them driving like us or the way we do or even learning from us to drive the way we do. Is not gonna happen due to the game being deliberately programed go drive flat out go as fast as it possibly can until the game itsef limits your speed. For example my dodge daytona is settup to drive 260 mph according to the tune page. Now it will reach 220 on its own but at the cost of an almost blown engine, and sevear tire wear. Due to again never reaching it’s full potential due to rhe fsme limiting my speed and tire grip. Always understeering always late braking. Any driver that had been behind the wheel long enough will tell you thats bad driving. As of writing this my car is trying to wreck itself not braking early and soft enough, blasting though corners understeering. Almost flying off the track. No matter how i tune it i cant make the car grip the road properly. I cant drive it due to the stupid physics. I can drive horizon 5 all day. Got a problem i can almost tune it out. But here in motorsport i have to let the ai drive the car. However if they aint gonna drive professionally then i cant tune the car to be driven correctly.