replay of race I saved will not record to dvr

So i saved a replay of a race i really want to upload to youtube or something, so i saved the replay, go to play it then start the game dvr…but when i stop recording its say “cannot record clip”…anybody have any advice for how i can get a replaty to youtube?

I, too, have experienced this. To fix it, shut down the console completely by holding the Xbox One power button (not the controller’s) until it turns off. Reboot and you’ll be good to go!

When that happens choose stop recording and choose last 5 minutes. Then use that clip and edit it to what you want.

Has anyone else had issues with the dvr not recording any sound from replays?

Yes. I forget exactly what I had to do, but I think it involved shutting the system down completely, unplugging it, leaving it off for like ten minutes, and then rebooting.