Realistic automatic gearbox with separated reverse gear

We seriously need a new option in settings for automatic gearbox, called “Automatic with reverse”, where you need to change into reverse in order to go backwards with your car, so that the break left trigger is always set to break the car, unlike the current state where your car breaks until a certain speed, and if you still press the left trigger it automatically goes in reverse. Then switch into drive when you want to go forward with an automated shifter. Also, when you switch into reverse, the right trigger should be used in order to move the vehicle.

This is definitely needed. It’s extremely annoying playing with pedals where the break pedal is hard to press in when playing in automatic mode now.

This would be good if while cruising it up shifted through the gears (like it does irl) instead of having to approach redline before it changes. I play all the time in manual but would love a realistic auto with manual override when cruising in a car that comes as auto only for realism.


Great idea! Only game I have ever played that tried to replicate an auto box correctly was Interstate '76 and that was not trying to be a pure driving sim. Think the Forza team have been very lazy with auto box simulation through every generation.