To be clear, the rain in the game looks incredible, BUT, just from the 3rd person perspective. When go to first person(which is my favourite camera option playing this game). The rain effect is awful. Be honest, all of yall dev out there must have your own car in the real world right? And you are happy with what the rain effect looks like in FH5??? The cartoon bubbles on the windscreen and side windows is very unrealistic! It makes the immersion of driving in the rain sucks =(. Plus the audio of the rain even max is very small. i want to hear the rain drop on the car clearer. Other game like The Crew 2 (which i don’t like as much as FH5). Its rain looks and feels much better from FH5. And don’t even compare with driveclub, the game from nearly 10 years ago. The rain in Driveclub is just phenomenal. All i wish is that one day FH5 will have rain effect in cockpit view like that. The immersion will be top notch. Please, change the rain effect in cockpit view!
Thank you for this post, 100% YES.
Every time I play Euro Truck Simulator 2 I’m shocked at how much better the rain effects are while driving behind the wheel.
FH5’s rain effect is just plain bad.
yeah i played ets2 too, i agree
I’ve been waiting since Driveclub until other racing games finally get such a realistic rain effect, unfortunately the wait continues despite better graphics and new hardware
With the exception of Dirt games these have nearly those rain effects
Grid Legends gets pretty close and imo, is more realistic than Driveclub. It also stimulates the g forces moving the raindrops on the windscreen but it’s not as over the top as Driveclub does it. I also think the raindrops look more like raindrops. For me, it takes the crown for most realistic rain effects but Driveclub’s rain still looks cooler
1000% I’m a Drifter and I drift In first person and when It rains It Is awful and then I have to quit Forza and load back In to get into a server that isn’t raining and I hate It when It loads me into the same server
grid legends rain is very great too i agree
i feel your pain. i uninstalled the game recently and went to freeroam in Cyberpunk. LOL. Even that game has much better 1st person rain in Forza =(((
freeroaming in the rain is the best way to keep me play the game for hours. But , unfortunately, Forza can not deliver that experience =(
Great if the interior view offers us a better rain trail and a better effect like in assetto corsa.
it is not fine to me. there are somany other car games with better cockpit- rain than FH5. people mentioned some great one above
i mentioned in my post brother