Racing Wheels for 360

Im looking at getting a racing wheel for xbox 360 that is around $100. ive looked at the Logitech DriveFx wheel and the Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia but i want to know if there are anymore good ones :/. i personaly have a Logitech Driving Force EX wheel for my ps2 but im now looking for a wheel for xbox. has anyone got any suggestions?

My wife surprised me this past weekend with… the Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 wheel! I’m not an expert sim racer looking into high end Fanatec cockpits and racing setups, or anything like that, but I’m loving the Ferrari wheel. The wheel and pedal feedback are great and the wheel seems tight and sensitive when steering kinks in FM4 or weaving through traffic in Horizon. I’m still getting the hang of the wheel and sometimes due to time constraints have to use the controller but the the wheel is modeled after one of my favorite cars, so I can’t complain one bit. To make things even easier, it seems to be already set up and ready to go for both Horizon and FM4. Shifting with the paddles is a nice change as well, but just need my driving skills to catch up first. I give this wheel a thumbs up.


Both the Logitech and the Thrustmaster are decent wheels for the money. You might want to take a look on Ebay. Many people were dumping their wheels to move to the new systems so you might find a good deal. I would stay away from the Madcatz wheels though, they’re pretty crappy. Even the old MS wireless racing wheel was pretty good for what it was. I started with that one. They don’t hold up well to long term use though. I currently have Fanatec GT2 setup with the clubsport pedals. I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Yes, it is a bit pricey, but worth every penny of the $600 I invested. Even one of the older models like the Turbo S would be worth the extra if you could find one in your price range.

I used to have the Logitech Drive FX it was and ok wheel for the money , the biggest drawback was the paddle shifters were small which caused some missed shifts from time to time.

Wheels, stands, etc., can be found in expanded discussions here:

My own recommendation is don’t go cheap! I had a Microsoft Wireless Wheel for years, and finally got a Fanatec Porsche GT2 wheel and a stand for it, and was very happy until FM5 cam along and that wheel is not (yet, there may be hope) compatible with the Xbox One. However I’m not holding my breath.

General recommendation: DO NOT go cheap! I said that before, but it does count. Make sure you get a wheel which has Force Feedback, not the “emulated” variety. There is a BIG difference between sort of feeling what your car is doing, and not very much.

And once you get the wheel (whatever one it is) have patience. There is a learning curve, whether you’ve actually driven a race car, family car, or not at all, you still need to take your time, start in the lower classes, learn the tracks, don’t worry about winning and, just when you think “Gosh, that was easy” you have finally mastered the wheel.

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