Firstly, I apologise if this is in the wrong place or has been asked before, I haven’t been on the forums for a long time.
Im finally looking to buy an Xbox One (I know, a little late) and I want to get back into Forza. Problem is, I only enjoy racing with a wheel and pedals. I used to use the Microsoft one built for the 360 which wasn’t the best out there but did the job for me. It seems there are a few options out there but I was wondering if I could get peoples opinions on which is best, best value for money etc.
The MadCatz is way overpriced and doesn’t have vibration / rumble and has a centring fault (not sure if it’s been resolved). The first batch of Thrustmaster’s had reliability issues, but seems to have died down now and the stock pedals are poop.
Watch the reviews and form you own opinion. I’ve not been exposed to the MadCatz but I’m very happy with the Thrustmaster TX. Also to note Fanatec are producing a compatible wheel, but not likely to be available until some time next year.
Thank you very much for your reply, I will look into these two options.
Are the Thrustmaster and MadCatz the only options? I wondered if Microsoft had released there own version like the one released with the Xbox 360. The quality of this wheel and pedals was perfectly adequate for my gaming needs. Is the Thrustmaster at a similar level to this?
at the moment Thrustmaster and Madcatz are the only options, Fanatec have mentioned they might have one by the end of the year but will be more expensive
there is a cheap Thrustmaster wheel out too…it has no force feedback though
Thank you. At the moment I am favouring the Thrustmaster TX. It is a little more expensive than I was hoping for but if a wheel has no force feedback I see it to be waste of time.
I was wondering if you can buy the TX wheel with T3PA (I think that is correct) pedal set?
Also, I saw something about a Kinect sensor? What is this and what does it do? I was planning on getting the Kinect-less version of the xbox one but if Kinect is necessary and/or an advantage when using this wheel I might have to reconsider.
Thank you once again.
Sorry, one more thing, ive got confused over the price of the TX. Is that the one in the £200 region? Ive seen others at ~£70, im assuming that’s the “cheap thrustmaster wheel”?
I’d say stay well clear of Mad Catz…MS has jumped into bed with them hence they are able to bring the 2nd wheel to us however Mad Catz have always been a very poor peripheral company and the latest wheel and pedals do not suggest otherwise and are very expensive for what they are.
Thrustmaster are slightly better… ok maybe a bit better but wheels are braking all over the place within the first few months. Also while PS4 users get to enjoy the 500 us Xboxers have to put up with 2nd rate stuff especially with the pedals
Fanatec are making a wheel and pedal set for the end of the yea… i’d say thats easily your best bet if you can hold out…and while some people will say Fanatec wheels break after 2 or 3 years it’s a dam sight better than Thrustmaster & Mad Catz,.
Thanks for the advice. What sort of problems have the Thrustmaster wheels had? It seems there are bad reliability reports of all wheels, is there any guarantee Fanatec will be any better, or of an equivalent price to the Thrustmaster? I don’t want to wait to find I cant afford it, the reports id read seemed to suggest they were building a really high end, invite only, wheel and pedals.
The wheel im most interested in is the TX so can anyone else tell me if they have had, or know of, issues with it and if Thrustmaster have done anything to help resolve these issues.
Go with the thrustmaster TX!! The mad catz wheel is not the worth it.
I’ve had my thrustmaster since release and have had no problems, except for last night…
Lol I spent an 1 1/2 hours trying to fix the centering issue that just miraculously arose wilst updating…
Come to find out you just hold X Y and mode…lol problem fixed…way to go thrustmaster!!!
Seriously though do not go with mad catZ, you will regret it…
Or wait for the fanatec wheel…
I have the cheap $100.00 version of the Thrustmaster and I have to say I am quite happy with it. No force feedback but I hardly miss that at all. I figured I would buy the cheap version just to see if I like using a wheel and to be honest I don’t really feel the need for the $400.00 force feedback version now.
I’m on my second wheel base. The first one went up in smoke - literally - burnt out motor. The one I’m using came with a later firmware and I have no issue with it.
My experience with TM support was mixed. I had to wait a while for them to honour the warranty, but that is because despite purchasing it from an authorised reseller apparently they sold it to me way below the recommended retail price so TM needed to investigate. According to their terms of warranty they didn’t have to honour it but they did. I then received the replacement two days before receiving a tracking reference for delivery despite asking them for it 3 times. But I ended up being a happy bunny at the end of it.
Just bought a brand-new Thrustmaster Tx (came with v47 driver installed). Lasted literally 30 seconds before frying itself (smells like electrical fire). Unless you don’t mind hastle, don’t buy a TX. Everyone said the bugs have been worked out but that’s clearly not the case. They are giant, expensive pieces of garbage. Sounds like Mad Catz is not better. Unfortunately I may be stuck with the game pad for my Forza experience.
Nope returned it. Tried calling their technical support (says it’s open 8am to 2 PM Eastern time). I called at both 10 am and 12 am and both times there was a voice message saying the support centre was closed. Message says they are open the exact same hours Saturday as the manual (the times I’m calling between). What kind of service is that? Never buying another junk Thrustmaster product.
Wow that’s unfortunate…
I remember when the fanatec csr came out they had
Huge quality control issues, so I think it has to be expected with new hardware like this out on the market.
I mean your always going to find a lemon, there not all perfect. …
Just my 2 cents…