I’m a casual gamer, play maybe 4-6 hours a day, not always on racing games.
Is it worth looking into a racing wheel? I’m looking at Thrustmaster TX 458 and so far not a bad review about it from the well known sim racing YouTubers.
I know it won’t necessarily improve my lap times on Forza (probably a different story on F12015) but would probably be more enjoyable.
Is it feasible spending the £250~ on the wheel or just make do with the pad for the amount of hours I play?
Thanks in advance!
So taking some more time to look at user reviews, problems seem to be in the masses for the TX and it seems very hard to get hold of one anyway. Is there a good reason none of the UK stores are stocking it? Game/Argos, even Amazon UK. I’ve noticed that Logitech are bringing out the G920 around October time for around £300, I think I may wait until then to see if that’s any good or if the TX becomes available and is a little cheaper.
You are in the same position i was in a few months ago and i would say go for it.
I took the plunge and bought a tx458 and after the initial pain of setting up the wheel to my liking with the force feedback and degrees of rotation i have not looked back.
Just a word of warning though the tx458 doesn’t have the ability to look left or right in forza 5 and as i drive in car this is quite a problem also the Y button to look back works when it feels like it but that’s not the wheels fault i think it’s the games fault.
Also this wheel was designed for xbox one so why did noboby think to include a party chat port in it (noobs). I have to have my headset plugged into my controller which switches off after so long, so i choose my car with my controller between races so it doesn’t switch party chat off during races.
That being said tough i don’t think i could go back to a controller now.
Thanks for the info on the party chat! I was aware of this feature, or lack of should I say, I’m glad that I will still be able to use my controller at the same time as that was one of the draw backs of getting one.
Thanks for your info jammer but if I connect to usb I get a horrible buzzing noise that everyone can hear. It’s been doing that since day one. Bought a new controller today as old one kept looking up on it’s own and it still has this problem. I have chat connector block hooked up to turtle beach x12’s which could be the cause.